These are some clients for Meower that have been deprecated in favor of other clients. This doesn't include old versions of Vanilla, which are archived at meower-media-co/legacy-meower.
This is a simple Electron wrapper for Meower, Meower Plus, and Openly. It was superceded by Meower-Desktop-Svelte, also archived here.
This is the first official browser client for Meower that wasn't a Scratch project. It was superceded by Meower-Svelte and Meower-SvelteKit.
Developed by @tnix100, this is an Android client for Meower developed by @tnix100 in Kodular. It was deprecated in favor of Meower-Svelte being usable on mobile devices.
Developed by @MikeDev101, this was an attempt at continuing development of Meower-Mobile using Niotron. Deprecated due to lack of motivation and inactive development.
This is a fork of Meower-Svelte that was thrown into a Tauri app. This was deprecated due to a lack of development.