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File metadata and controls

79 lines (57 loc) · 5.33 KB


This is a work-in-progress package that retrieves training data from the open database, then trains a statistical model to detect suspicious players. Currently the app is still in development.

Installing Dependencies

To install dependencies, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Download and Preprocessing

To download and preprocess data from the open database, you can run the following command (specifying the year and month of the data you want to download, and the source of the data to be lichess-open-database):

python3 --year 2015 --month 1 --source lichess-open-database

Warning: preprocessing will take a long time to complete for more recent data which can be well over 20 GB in size. You can use caffeinate to prevent your computer from going to sleep while the script is running.

caffeinate -is python3 --year 2015 --month 1 --source lichess-open-database

The script downloads the .pgn.zst file corresponding to the month and year specified, decompresses the .pgn file, and creates the lichess_downloaded_games directory to which both files are saved. Then the script preprocesses the .pgn file and extracts relevant features, creates the lichess_player_data directory, to which a .csv file is saved. By default, exploratory plots are generated, and then all raw files in the lichess_downloaded_games directory are deleted because they are typically large and not needed after preprocessing. (This process can be streamlined by directly reading from the decompressed .pgn file instead of first saving it)

Model Description

This is a simple statistical model that flags players who have performed a certain threshold above their expected performance under the Glicko-2 rating system. The expected performance takes into account each player's complete game history and opponents in the span of the training data. The thresholds are initialized to default values, and then adjusted separately for each 100 point rating bin in the training data.

Model Training

We define N as the number of players who have performed above some threshold, and the estimated number of cheaters as X = 0.00 * N_open + 0.75 * N_closed + 1.00 * N_violation where N_open is the number of players with open accounts, N_closed is the number of players with closed accounts, and N_violation is the number of players with a terms of service violation (where N = N_open + N_closed + N_violation), the metric used to evaluate the performance of the threshold is the log(N+1) * X / N. This is a simple metric intended to reward the model for high accuracy = X / N in detecting suspicious players without flagging too many players (observationally, if the threshold is too low, the accuracy will decrease faster than log(N)). Note that for a threshold that is too high and flags 0 players, the metric will be 0. This metric may be fine-tuned in the future, but is sufficient for a POC.

Sample code:

import pandas as pd
from player_account_handler import PlayerAccountHandler
from model import PlayerAnomalyDetectionModel

BASE_FILE_NAME = 'lichess_db_standard_rated_2015-01'
train_data = pd.read_csv(f'lichess_player_data/{BASE_FILE_NAME}_player_features.csv')
player_account_handler = PlayerAccountHandler()
model = PlayerAnomalyDetectionModel(player_account_handler)
predictions = model.predict(train_data)

Model Evaluation

When the model is fitted, there are accuracy metric vs threshold figures that are saved to the model_plots directory as json files. The figure object can be loaded from the json file, as shown in the example code snippet below:

import json
import as pio

f = open('model_plots/test_model_thresholds_classical_1400-1500.json')
data = json.load(f)

fig = pio.from_json(data)

Below is an example of the threshold vs accuracy plot below for players in the 1400-1500 range for classical chess based on training data from the month of Jan 2015.

sample threshold vs accuracy plot


The model is built on the assumption that cheating is a rare occurrence in any data set on which the model is trained. There may be unexpected behavior if the training data is composed predomininantly of players who are cheating. The model will retain its default thresholds in the event that no players have shown any significant deviations from the mean expected performance in their rating bin.

Unit Tests

Currently working on unit tests, which can be run with the following command: make test, or if you want to run test files individually PYTHONPATH=. pytest tests/


  • implement progress bars for preprocessing data and model training
  • complete data labelling using lichess API calls, with a workaround or retry request if API rate limiting occurs
  • write unit tests for scripts that perform feature extraction and data labelling
  • complete unit tests for PlayerAnomalyDetectionModel class and methods (in-progress)
  • possible benchmarks for length of time to execute data downloading, preprocessing, and model training depending on the size of the raw data