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The Meson build system
Version: 1.7.99
Source dir: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs
Build dir: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build
Build type: native build
Project name: meowmeow
Project version: undefined
Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
Host machine cpu family: aarch64
Host machine cpu: aarch64
Did not find pkg-config by name 'pkg-config'
Found pkg-config: NO
Did not find CMake 'cmake'
Found CMake: NO
Run-time dependency tracing-0.1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency tracing-0.1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs method cargo WARNING: Project does not target a minimum version but uses feature introduced in '1.3.0': Cargo subproje
ct. WARNING: Cargo subproject is an experimental feature and has no backwards compatibility guarantees.
tracing-0.1-rs| WARNING: Binary entry enabled has unexpected keys "path". This may (unlikely) be an error in the cargo m
anifest, or may be a missing implementation in Meson. If this issue can be reproduced with the latest version of Meson,
please help us by opening an issue at Please include the crate and version t
hat is generating this warning if possible.
tracing-0.1-rs| WARNING: Binary entry zzz_stable has unexpected keys "path". This may (unlikely) be an error in the carg
o manifest, or may be a missing implementation in Meson. If this issue can be reproduced with the latest version of Meso
n, please help us by opening an issue at Please include the crate and versio
n that is generating this warning if possible.
tracing-0.1-rs| WARNING: Binary entry file has unexpected keys "path". This may (unlikely) be an error in the cargo mani
fest, or may be a missing implementation in Meson. If this issue can be reproduced with the latest version of Meson, ple
ase help us by opening an issue at Please include the crate and version that
is generating this warning if possible.
tracing-0.1-rs| WARNING: Binary entry rust has unexpected keys "path". This may (unlikely) be an error in the cargo mani
fest, or may be a missing implementation in Meson. If this issue can be reproduced with the latest version of Meson, ple
ase help us by opening an issue at Please include the crate and version that
is generating this warning if possible.
tracing-0.1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/tracing-0.1.41/m
tracing-0.1-rs| Project name: tracing
tracing-0.1-rs| Project version: 0.1.41
tracing-0.1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
tracing-0.1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
tracing-0.1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default', 'attributes', 'tracing-attributes', 'std']
tracing-0.1-rs| Run-time dependency pin-project-lite-0.2-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
tracing-0.1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency pin-project-lite-0.2-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:pin-project-lite-0.2-rs method cargo
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/pin-pro
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Project name: pin-project-lite
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Project version: 0.2.16
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default']
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Build targets in project: 1
pin-project-lite-0.2-rs| Subproject pin-project-lite-0.2-rs finished.
tracing-0.1-rs| Dependency pin-project-lite-0.2-rs found: YES 0.2.16 (overridden)
tracing-0.1-rs| Run-time dependency tracing-attributes-0.1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
tracing-0.1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency tracing-attributes-0.1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-attributes-0.1-rs method cargo
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/traci
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Project name: tracing-attributes
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Project version: 0.1.28
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default']
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Run-time dependency syn-2-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency syn-2-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-attributes-0.1-rs:syn-2-rs method cargo
syn-2-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/syn-2.0.98/
syn-2-rs| Project name: syn
syn-2-rs| Project version: 2.0.98
syn-2-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
syn-2-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
syn-2-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['parsing', 'proc-macro', 'visit-mut', 'printing', 'clone-impls', 'extra-traits', '
syn-2-rs| Run-time dependency quote-1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
syn-2-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency quote-1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-attributes-0.1-rs:syn-2-rs:quote-1-rs method cargo
quote-1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/quote-1.0.38/meson.b
quote-1-rs| Project name: quote
quote-1-rs| Project version: 1.0.38
quote-1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
quote-1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
quote-1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default', 'proc-macro']
quote-1-rs| Run-time dependency proc-macro2-1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
quote-1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency proc-macro2-1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-attributes-0.1-rs:syn-2-rs:quote-1-rs:proc-macro2-1-rs method cargo
proc-macro2-1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/proc-macro2-1.
proc-macro2-1-rs| Project name: proc-macro2
proc-macro2-1-rs| Project version: 1.0.93
proc-macro2-1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
proc-macro2-1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
proc-macro2-1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default', 'proc-macro']
proc-macro2-1-rs| Run-time dependency unicode-ident-1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
proc-macro2-1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency unicode-ident-1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-attributes-0.1-rs:syn-2-rs:quote-1-rs:proc-macro2-1-rs:unicode-ident-1-rs me
thod cargo
unicode-ident-1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/unicode-iden
unicode-ident-1-rs| Project name: unicode-ident
unicode-ident-1-rs| Project version: 1.0.17
unicode-ident-1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
unicode-ident-1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
unicode-ident-1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default']
unicode-ident-1-rs| Build targets in project: 2
unicode-ident-1-rs| Subproject unicode-ident-1-rs finished.
proc-macro2-1-rs| Dependency unicode-ident-1-rs found: YES 1.0.17 (overridden)
proc-macro2-1-rs| Build targets in project: 3
proc-macro2-1-rs| Subproject proc-macro2-1-rs finished.
quote-1-rs| Dependency proc-macro2-1-rs found: YES 1.0.93 (overridden)
quote-1-rs| Build targets in project: 4
quote-1-rs| Subproject quote-1-rs finished.
syn-2-rs| Dependency quote-1-rs found: YES 1.0.38 (overridden)
syn-2-rs| Dependency unicode-ident-1-rs found: YES 1.0.17 (overridden)
syn-2-rs| Dependency proc-macro2-1-rs found: YES 1.0.93 (overridden)
syn-2-rs| Build targets in project: 5
syn-2-rs| Subproject syn-2-rs finished.
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Dependency syn-2-rs found: YES 2.0.98 (overridden)
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Dependency quote-1-rs found: YES 1.0.38 (overridden)
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Dependency proc-macro2-1-rs found: YES 1.0.93 (overridden)
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| WARNING: Tried to mix a host machine library ("syn") with a build machine target "tracing_att
ributes" This will fail in cross build.
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| WARNING: Tried to mix a host machine library ("quote") with a build machine target "tracing_a
ttributes" This will fail in cross build.
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| WARNING: Tried to mix a host machine library ("proc_macro2") with a build machine target "tra
cing_attributes" This will fail in cross build.
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Build targets in project: 6
tracing-attributes-0.1-rs| Subproject tracing-attributes-0.1-rs finished.
tracing-0.1-rs| Dependency tracing-attributes-0.1-rs found: YES 0.1.28 (overridden)
tracing-0.1-rs| Run-time dependency tracing-core-0.1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
tracing-0.1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency tracing-core-0.1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-core-0.1-rs method cargo
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/tracing-cor
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Project name: tracing-core
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Project version: 0.1.33
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['once_cell', 'std']
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Run-time dependency once_cell-1-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency once_cell-1-rs
Executing subproject tracing-0.1-rs:tracing-core-0.1-rs:once_cell-1-rs method cargo
once_cell-1-rs| Generated Meson AST: /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/subprojects/once_cell-1.20.3
once_cell-1-rs| Project name: once_cell
once_cell-1-rs| Project version: 1.20.3
once_cell-1-rs| Rust compiler for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc (rustc 1.84.1)
once_cell-1-rs| Rust linker for the host machine: rustc -C linker=cc ld64 1115.7.3
once_cell-1-rs| Message: Enabled features: ['default', 'alloc', 'race', 'std']
once_cell-1-rs| Build targets in project: 7
once_cell-1-rs| Subproject once_cell-1-rs finished.
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Dependency once_cell-1-rs found: YES 1.20.3 (overridden)
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Build targets in project: 8
tracing-core-0.1-rs| Subproject tracing-core-0.1-rs finished.
tracing-0.1-rs| Dependency tracing-core-0.1-rs found: YES 0.1.33 (overridden)
tracing-0.1-rs| Build targets in project: 9
tracing-0.1-rs| Subproject tracing-0.1-rs finished.
Dependency tracing-0.1-rs found: YES 0.1.41 (overridden)
Run-time dependency tracing-subscriber-0.3-rs found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency tracing-subscriber-0.3-rs
Executing subproject tracing-subscriber-0.3-rs method cargo WARNING: Project does not target a minimum version but uses feature introduced in '1.3.0': Cargo subproje
tracing-subscriber-0.3-rs| WARNING: Binary entry cached_layer_filters_dont_break_other_layers has unexpected keys "path"
. This may (unlikely) be an error in the cargo manifest, or may be a missing implementation in Meson. If this issue can
be reproduced with the latest version of Meson, please help us by opening an issue at
n/issues. Please include the crate and version that is generating this warning if possible.
tracing-subscriber-0.3-rs| WARNING: Binary entry duplicate_spans has unexpected keys "path". This may (unlikely) be an e
rror in the cargo manifest, or may be a missing implementation in Meson. If this issue can be reproduced with the latest
version of Meson, please help us by opening an issue at Please include the
crate and version that is generating this warning if possible.
<SNIP> more of them ERROR: Neither a subproject directory nor a tracing-log-0.2-rs.wrap file was found.
A full log can be found at /Users/jade/dev/repro/2025-02-21-meson-rust-bugs/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt
Expected behavior
Should not generate these warnings. Also idk what the deal is with the features being ignored in cargo.toml and putting new wrong ones in a meson file I can't find (tracing-log is not enabled, it seems like it's ignoring default-features!), that seems buggy too.
Describe the bug
When using the tracing crate it generates a bunch of warnings
Binary entry * has unexpected keys "path"
.To Reproduce
Do this:
git clone bug && cd bug && meson setup build
Expected behavior
Should not generate these warnings. Also idk what the deal is with the features being ignored in cargo.toml and putting new wrong ones in a meson file I can't find (
is not enabled, it seems like it's ignoringdefault-features
!), that seems buggy too.Probably this:
Lines 487 to 490 in 211f1ca
system parameters
meson --version
(commit d995cbc)ninja --version
if it's a Ninja build: doesn't pass configure.The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: