This is a BLS deployment that lets a client send an image and get back a vector embedding. Currently this only uses the SigLIP Vision model, but future embedding models could be added.
Because dynamic batching has been enabled for these Triton Inference Server deployments, clients simply send each request separately. This simplifies the code for the client, see examples below, yet they reap the benefits of batched processing. In addition, this allows for controlling the GPU RAM consumed by the server.
Here's an example of sending a raw image. Just a few things to point out
- Must have the 'headers' argument specified. The 'Content-Type' is normal, but the 'Inference-Header-Content-Length' is specific to Triton. Set this to zero and it will calculate the length of the header for you and return that back.
- The response that comes back are bytes with the header information first concatenated with the bytes of the embedding vector
import numpy as np
import requests
base_url = "http://localhost:8000/v2/models"
image_path = "/path/to/your/image.png"
with open(image_path, "rb") as f:
image_bytes =
image_embed_response =
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"Inference-Header-Content-Length": "0",
header_length = int(image_embed_response.headers["Inference-Header-Content-Length"])
image_embedding_np = np.frombuffer(
Here's an example of sending a base64 encoded image. Just a few things to point out
- decode("UTF-8") the b64encoded bytes to give you a
so JSON doesn't get mad - Must use "parameters" and set "base64_encoded" to
. The default isFalse
- "shape": [1, 1] because we have dynamic batching enabled and the first axis is batch size
import base64
import requests
base_url = "http://localhost:8000/v2/models"
image_path = "/path/to/your/image.png"
with open(image_path, "rb") as f:
image_bytes =
image_b64_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("UTF-8")
inference_request = {
"parameters": {"base64_encoded": True}, # **MUST SET THIS**
"inputs": [
"name": "INPUT_IMAGE",
"shape": [1, 1],
"datatype": "BYTES",
"data": [image_b64_str],
image_embed_response =
image_embedding = image_embed_response["outputs"][0]["data"]
If you want to send a lot of images to be embedded, it's important that you send each image request in a multithreaded way to achieve optimal throughput.
NOTE: You will encounter a OSError Too many open files if you send a lot of requests.
Typically the default ulimit is 1024 on most system. Either increaces this using
ulimit -n {n_files}
, or don't create too many futures before you process them when
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import requests
base_url = "http://localhost:8000/v2/models"
input_dir = Path("/path/to/image/director/")
futures = {}
embeddings = {}
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=60) as executor:
for path in input_dir.iterdir():
if path.is_file():
future = executor.submit(,
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"Inference-Header-Content-Length": "0",
futures[future] = str(path.absolute())
for future in as_completed(futures):
response = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
print(f"{futures[future]} threw {exc}")
header_length = int(response.headers["Inference-Header-Content-Length"])
embedding = np.frombuffer(
response.content[header_length:], dtype=np.float32
embeddings[futures[future]] = embedding
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError(f"Error getting data from response: {exc}")
There is some data in data/embed_image which can be
used with the perf_analyzer
CLI in the Triton Inference Server SDK container. The
only issue is that the base64_encoded
request parameter needs to be set to true
(default is false
). This can be done as an option for perf_analyzer
, but only if
used in conjunction with -i grpc
sdk-container:/workspace perf_analyzer \
-m embed_image \
-i grpc \
-v \
--input-data data/embed_image/base64.json \
--measurement-mode=time_windows \
--measurement-interval=20000 \
--concurrency-range=60 \
--latency-threshold=1000 \
--bls-composing=siglip_vision \
Gives the following result on an RTX4090 GPU
Request concurrency: 60
Pass [1] throughput: 115.371 infer/sec. Avg latency: 516063 usec (std 23282 usec).
Pass [2] throughput: 115.021 infer/sec. Avg latency: 518681 usec (std 60638 usec).
Pass [3] throughput: 116.648 infer/sec. Avg latency: 512635 usec (std 58592 usec).
- Request count: 8330
- Throughput: 115.68 infer/sec
- Avg client overhead: 0.01%
- Avg latency: 515779 usec (standard deviation 18539 usec)
- p50 latency: 512234 usec
- p90 latency: 529239 usec
- p95 latency: 578307 usec
- p99 latency: 922477 usec
- Avg gRPC time: 515768 usec (marshal 15 usec + response wait 515753 usec + unmarshal 0 usec)
- Inference count: 8330
- Execution count: 146
- Successful request count: 8330
- Avg request latency: 516205 usec (overhead 355961 usec + queue 58204 usec + compute 102040 usec)
Composing models:
siglip_vision, version: 1
- Inference count: 8373
- Execution count: 1046
- Successful request count: 8373
- Avg request latency: 160259 usec (overhead 15 usec + queue 58204 usec + compute input 1943 usec + compute infer 99988 usec + compute output 108 usec)
Inferences/Second vs. Client Average Batch Latency
Concurrency: 60, throughput: 115.68 infer/sec, latency 515779 usec