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323 lines (297 loc) · 10.3 KB


This deployment hosts the text to text portion of SeamlessM4Tv2Large to perform machine translation. It takes as input the text to be translated along with the source language identifier (ISO 639-3) and the target language identifier (ISO 639-3) and returns the translated text. If you don't know the source language, you can use the fastText Language Identifier

Like most machine translation models, this model appears to have been trained on sentence level data. This means that if you provide a long section of text it will likely stop generating after at most a few sentences. This is because it generates the eos_token. Thus, the text should be split into sentence sized text for translation. You can use the sentencex deployment to do this for you. In the future, additional sentence segmenters may be added.

This is a lower level of abstraction, most clients likely should be using translate deployment.

Example Request

Here's an example request. Just a few things to point out

  1. "shape": [1, 512] because we have dynamic batching and the first axis is the batch size and the second axis is the maximum token size (pad with '1').
  2. "data": this should be "row" flattened. It will be reshaped by the server. Also, numpy is not serializable, so convert to python list.
import numpy as np
import requests

base_url = "http://localhost:8000/v2/models"
text = (
    "The iridescent chameleon sauntered across the neon-lit cyberpunk cityscape."
src_lang = "eng"
tgt_lang = "fra"

inference_request = {
    "inputs": [
            "name": "INPUT_TEXT",
            "shape": [1, 1],
            "datatype": "BYTES",
            "data": [text],
            "name": "SRC_LANG",
            "shape": [1, 1],
            "datatype": "BYTES",
            "data": [src_lang],
            "name": "TGT_LANG",
            "shape": [1, 1],
            "datatype": "BYTES",
            "data": [tgt_lang],
model_response =

JSON response output looks like
    "model_name": "seamlessm4t_text2text",
    "model_version": "1",
    "outputs": [
            "name": "TRANSLATED_TEXT",
            "datatype": "BYTES",
            "shape": [1, 1],
            "data": [
                "Le caméléon iridescent se promenait à travers le paysage urbain cyberpunk éclairé au néon."

Sending Many Requests

If you want to send a lot of text for translation, it's important that you send each request in a multithreaded way to achieve optimal throughout. The example below shows 8 sentences (from two different languages) to be translated.

NOTE: You will encounter a "OSError Too many open files" if you send a lot of requests. Typically the default ulimit is 1024 on most system. Either increace this using ulimit -n {n_files}, or don't create too many futures before you process them when completed.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import requests

base_url = "http://localhost:8000/v2/models"

sentences = [
    'In a groundbreaking development, scientists at MIT have unveiled a new artificial intelligence system capable of predicting earthquakes with unprecedented accuracy.',
    "The AI, dubbed 'TerraWatch,' analyzes seismic data and geological patterns to forecast potential tremors up to two weeks in advance.",
    'Early tests of TerraWatch have shown a 90% success rate in predicting earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or greater.',
    'This technological leap could revolutionize disaster preparedness and potentially save thousands of lives in earthquake-prone regions around the world.',
    '昨天,实力不济的新西兰国家足球队在世界杯四分之一决赛中以 2-1 的惊人比分战胜巴西队,震惊了体育界。',
    '新西兰队队长萨姆·科尔在第 89 分钟打入制胜一球,让球队规模虽小但热情的球迷陷入疯狂。',
src_langs = ['eng', 'eng', 'eng', 'eng', 'zho', 'zho', 'zho', 'zho']
tgt_langs = ['fra', 'fra', 'fra', 'fra', 'eng', 'eng', 'eng', 'eng']

futures = {}
results = {}
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=60) as executor:
    for i, (sentence, src_lang, tgt_lang) in enumerate(zip(sentences, src_langs, tgt_langs)):
        inference_request = {
            "inputs": [
                    "name": "INPUT_TEXT",
                    "shape": [1, 1],
                    "datatype": "BYTES",
                    "data": [sentence],
                    "name": "SRC_LANG",
                    "shape": [1, 1],
                    "datatype": "BYTES",
                    "data": [src_lang],
                    "name": "TGT_LANG",
                    "shape": [1, 1],
                    "datatype": "BYTES",
                    "data": [tgt_lang],
        future = executor.submit(,
        futures[future] = i
    for future in as_completed(futures):
            response = future.result()
        except Exception as exc:
            print(f"{futures[future]} threw {exc}")
                translated_text = response.json()["outputs"][0]["data"][0]
                results[futures[future]] = translated_text
            except Exception as exc:
                raise ValueError(f"Error getting data from response: {exc}")

results_sorted = {k:v for k, v in sorted(results.items())}
for k, v in sorted(results.items()):
    print(f"{k}: {v}")

Performance Analysis

There is some data in data/seamlessm4t_text2text which can be used with the perf_analyzer CLI in the Triton Inference Server SDK container.

sdk-container:/workspace perf_analyzer \
    -m seamlessm4t_text2text \
    -v \
    --input-data data/seamlessm4t_text2text/load_sample.json \
    --measurement-mode=time_windows \
    --measurement-interval=20000 \

Gives the following result on an RTX4090 GPU

  • Request concurrency: 60

    • Pass [1] throughput: 39.2406 infer/sec. Avg latency: 1483547 usec (std 95250 usec).
    • Pass [2] throughput: 41.4547 infer/sec. Avg latency: 1458850 usec (std 112853 usec).
    • Pass [3] throughput: 40.1635 infer/sec. Avg latency: 1469074 usec (std 108947 usec).
    • Client:
      • Request count: 2902
      • Throughput: 40.2859 infer/sec
      • Avg client overhead: 0.00%
      • Avg latency: 1470271 usec (standard deviation 70666 usec)
      • p50 latency: 1521789 usec
      • p90 latency: 1663912 usec
      • p95 latency: 1674379 usec
      • p99 latency: 1712540 usec
      • Avg HTTP time: 1470265 usec (send 239 usec + response wait 1470026 usec + receive 0 usec)
    • Server:
      • Inference count: 2902
      • Execution count: 92
      • Successful request count: 2902
      • Avg request latency: 1469289 usec (overhead 30 usec + queue 681745 usec + compute input 209 usec + compute infer 787045 usec + compute output 259 usec)
  • Inferences/Second vs. Client Average Batch Latency

  • Concurrency: 60, throughput: 40.2859 infer/sec, latency 1470271 usec


To validate this implementation of SeamlessM4Tv2LargeForTextToText, we use the same approach outlined in the Seamless paper. In particular we are looking to match the results in Table 7 that calculates the chrF score on the Flores-200 dataset for the translated 95 different languages into English (X-eng). The table provides the average chrF2++ score over those 95 languages of 59.2.

The validation is run over a total of 96 languages, but not exactly sure which language was added (guessing it was cmn_Hant, which is different from the others and seems added after the fact). The results for each language are listed below:


Language chrF2++
afr 75.4
amh 58.6
arb 64.7
ary 52.3
arz 57.6
asm 55.8
azj 51.6
bel 51.6
ben 60.0
bos 65.9
bul 65.5
cat 67.8
ceb 65.9
ces 63.5
ckb 55.9
cmn 55.5
cmn_Hant 53.4
cym 71.1
dan 68.9
deu 66.5
ell 59.6
est 60.5
eus 57.8
fin 58.0
fra 67.6
fuv 28.8
gaz 47.0
gle 61.0
glg 65.8
guj 64.7
heb 65.3
hin 62.2
hrv 61.7
hun 60.1
hye 63.0
ibo 53.1
ind 65.6
isl 56.3
ita 60.0
jav 61.4
jpn 45.7
kan 58.9
kat 55.3
kaz 58.2
khk 52.5
khm 55.4
kir 50.9
kor 53.2
lao 59.0
lit 56.7
lug 43.6
luo 47.4
lvs 58.9
mai 65.7
mal 60.7
mar 61.9
mkd 65.8
mlt 74.1
mni 50.2
mya 53.7
nld 57.8
nno 66.2
nob 65.3
npi 65.1
nya 50.0
ory 62.3
pan 64.2
pbt 56.9
pes 61.3
pol 55.5
por 69.5
ron 65.3
rus 60.1
sat 28.4
slk 62.8
slv 59.3
sna 50.2
snd 60.5
som 50.8
spa 57.7
srp 66.6
swe 69.0
swh 62.4
tam 57.3
tel 62.5
tgk 58.4
tgl 65.0
tha 54.5
tur 60.4
ukr 62.2
urd 59.6
uzn 57.2
vie 58.9
yor 41.6
yue 49.2
zul 60.6
Mean 58.84

We find very close agreement with the 59.2 listed in the Seamless paper. Differences are likely attributed to slight difference in generation() arguments. For example, we use a num_beams=3 to help limit VRAM needed.


The code can be found in the file.