Each model is required to have metadata in yaml format, e.g. see this example metadata file.
Please order the variables in this order.
The name of your team that is less than 50 characters, no spaces. Will be displayed online.
The name of your model that is less than 50 characters, no spaces. Will be displayed online.
An abbreviated name for your model that is less than 30 alphanumeric characters. The model abbreviation must be in the format of [team_abbr]-[model_abbr]
. where each of the [team_abbr]
and [model_abbr]
are text strings that are each less than 15 alphanumeric characters that do not include a hyphen or whitespace Note that this is a uniquely identifying field in our system, so please choose this name carefully, as it may not be changed once defined. The model abbreviation will be displayed online.
A list of all individuals involved in the forecasting effort, affiliations, and email address. At least one contributor needs to have a valid email address. All email addresses provided will be added to an email distribution list for model contributors.
The syntax of this field should be
name1 (affiliation) <user@address>, name2 (affiliation) <user2@address>, name3 (affiliation) <user3@addreaa>
A url to a website that has additional data about your model. We encourage teams to submit the most user-friendly version of your model, e.g. a dashboard, or similar, that displays your model scenarios. If you have additionally a data repository where you store scenarios and other model code, please include that in your methods section below. If you only have a more technical site, e.g. github repo, please include that link here. Will be displayed online.
A version number or date in YYYY-MM-DD format, to designate the version of the model used for submitted model projections. Will be displayed online.
A brief description of your methodology that is less than 200 characters. Will be displayed online.
We encourage teams to submit as a "cc-by-4.0" to allow the broadest possible uses including private vaccine production (which would be excluded by the "cc-by-nc-4.0" license).
Alternatively, add the name and URL of the license used, as in cc-by-4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Or, add the value LICENSE.txt
, if a LICENSE.txt file was added within the folder.
Will be displayed online.
Acknowledgement of funding source, by name of funding agency, grant title, and grant number.
A brief description of the data sources used to inform the model, using as much as possible standard terminology that includes a source name and the type of data, such as CDC flusurvnet
, etc.
A bibliographic citation to a paper, website, or other object that people can go to to find out more about the model, in the style used by PubMed, as "Smith J, Smith S, Smith C. MyModel is the best model. Nature. 2020 Aug. doi: 10.1038/s12345-678-90123-45."
For each model and round, an abstract file is in markdown format. A template of each round abstract is available in the folder data-processed/Myteam-MyModel.
The same abstract model can be used: 2022-08-14-MyTeam-MyModel-abstract.md
The file should be named