My dotfiles rely on using Base16 for colors and theming. The readme outlines the steps necessary to set Base16 up, and integrate it so that everything works. This is an opinionated setup.
Base16's component parts are all available on Github, and their respective repositories have installation directions. Here's a brief recap.
This isn't required to use Base16, but it does provide documentation. I keep such things in my
cd ~/src
git clone
base16-vim This repository contains the base16 color themes for (Neo)vim. It gets installed as a plugin. Using Vim-Plug, that looks like this:
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
After adding the Plug
command, run :PlugUpdate
to install the plugin. The payload ends up in ~/.config/nvim/plugged/base16
base16-shell This repository provides shell scripts that execute the escape codes necessary to change the colors used by iTerm2. (I don't know how this works for Apple Terminal.)
git clone ~/.config
Neovim The Neovim site provides instructions on installing and configuring Neovim. That activity is beyond the scope of this readme.
Bash I'm using bash version 4.4.1. Find the latest release for your operating system and install it.
This base16 setup relies upon two files located in $HOME
The first holds the current color scheme for the shell, and the second holds the current color
scheme for Neovim. Both of these are set and controlled by a bash function called color
The color()
function in bash/bash_functions
has four runtime options:
color help
color default
color <base16-scheme>
by itself shows the current color scheme selected, i.e., the contents of $HOME/.base16
color help
gives an example of running the function and lists all the currently installed themes.
color default
sets the active theme to my default, which is currently chalk
. Finally, color <base16-scheme>
changes the current color scheme to the input value.
When the function does the switch it
- Executes the base16-shell script to change the Terminal colors
- Updates the scheme name stored in
- Updates the color scheme in
The function has several variables that can be set to where various dependencies are installed.
(Neo)vim configuration
While it would be nice to have Neovim automatically update the color scheme in any open sessions
when the color is changed outside of Neovim, that isn't currently functioning. The code I have
depends upon the FocusGained
autocommand event, which is
[o]nly for the GUI version and a few console versions where this can be detected.
Turns out iTerm2 doesn't pass that event on to either Vim or Neovim. Consequently I have a mapping
that sources $HOME/.nvim_theme
, and I use that file to set the color whenever Neovim is started.
if filereadable(expand("~/.nvim_theme"))
let base16colorspace=256
source ~/.nvim_theme
nnoremap <leader>c :source ~/.nvim_theme<CR>
The file being sourced has this content:
if !exists('g:colors_name') || g:colors_name != 'base16-chalk'
colorscheme base16-chalk
If I want to synchronize Neovim's colorscheme with the current shell theme, a quick <leader>c
the trick.