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Queue - Linear Data Structure

Unlike stacks, a queue is open at both its ends. One end is always used to insert data enqueue and the other is used to remove data dequeue. Queue follows FIFO (First-In-First-Out) methodology.




Simple Queue

A simple queue is the most basic queue. In this type of queue, the enqueue operation takes place at the rear, while the dequeue operation takes place at the front. This kind of queue has the limitation that when rear reaches the end of the queue you cannot enqueue more elements**

Simple Queue Graphical Representation

/* Using Array */

#define N 7

int queue[N];
int rear = -1;
int front = -1;

// Simulate Image
enqueue(1); // front = 0 / rear = 0
enqueue(2); // front = 0 / rear = 1
enqueue(3); // front = 0 / rear = 2
enqueue(4); // front = 0 / rear = 3
enqueue(5); // front = 0 / rear = 4
enqueue(6); // front = 0 / rear = 5

dequeue(1);  // front = 1 / rear = 5
enqueue(7); // front = 1 / rear = 6

/* Notes:
      * In this kind of `queue` once `rear` reach the end of an array you can't `enqueue` more elements
      * When `rear` and `front` are equal you have to reset the `queue` (front = -1; rear = -1;)
      * Once it restarts you can re-insert elements until `rear` reaches the end again  */

Circular Queue

A circular queue is the extended version of a regular queue where the last element is connected to the first element. Thus forming a circle-like structure. Another thing to point out is that a circular queue overcomes the simple queue limitation.

Circular Queue Graphical Representation

/* Using Array */

#define N 8

int queue[N];
int rear = -1;
int front = -1;

// Simulate Image
enqueue(10); // front = 0 / rear = 0
enqueue(20); // front = 0 / rear = 1
enqueue(30); // front = 0 / rear = 2
enqueue(40); // front = 0 / rear = 3
enqueue(50); // front = 0 / rear = 4

/* Notes:
      * In this kind of `queue` once `rear` reach the end you have to reset rear to 0
      * And when front reach 0 you have to set front to (N - 1)  */

Priority Queue

A priority queue is a type of queue that arranges elements based on their priority values. Elements with higher priority values are typically retrieved before elements with lower priority values.

Types of Priority Queue:

  • Ascending Order Priority Queue: As the name suggests, in ascending order priority queue, the element with a lower priority value is given a higher priority in the priority list.

  • Descending order Priority Queue: In descending order priority queue, the element with a higher priority value is given a higher priority in the priority list.

Priority Queue Graphical Representation

/* Unordered ascending priority queue (array)*/

#define MAX 4

struct item {
        int value;
        int priority;

struct item queue[MAX];

// Pointer to last inserted item
int ptr  = -1;

// Simulate Image
enqueue(10, 3); // ptr = 0
enqueue(20, 8); // ptr = 1
enqueue(30, 1); // ptr = 2
enqueue(40, 5); // ptr = 3

/* Notes:
      * In this kind of `queue` `rear` and `front` are optional
      * You can have `front` and `rear` in an ordered queue (front = highest priority, rear = lowest priority)
      * You could also use 2 arrays to implement this kind of queue (one for values and another for the priority */

Double Ended Queue

Double ended queues, called deques for short, are a generalized form of the queue. It is exactly like a queue except that elements can be added to or removed from front or rear.

Types of deque:

  • Input Restricted Deque: In this deque, input is restricted at a single end but allows deletion at both the ends.

  • Output Restricted Deque: In this deque, output is restricted at a single end but allows insertion at both the ends.

Double Ended Queue Graphical Representation

/* Using Array */

#define N 6

int deque[N];
int rear = -1;
int front = -1;

// Simulate Image
enqueue_rear(1); // front = 0 / rear = 0
enqueue_rear(2); // front = 0 / rear = 1
enqueue_rear(3); // front = 0 / rear = 2
enqueue_rear(4); // front = 0 / rear = 3
enqueue_rear(5); // front = 0 / rear = 4
enqueue_rear(6); // front = 0 / rear = 5
enqueue_rear(7); // front = 0 / rear = 5

enqueue_rear(n); // front = 0 / rear = 6
dequeue_rear(7); // front = 0 / rear = 5

dequeue_front(1);  // front = 1 / rear = 5
enqueue_front(n); // front = 0 / rear = 5

/* Notes:
      * In this kind of `queue` you can insert of both ends (front and rear)
      * Operations in a `deque` are quite similar to the ones in a `circle queue` */


Enqueue operation consist in add an element to the rear of a queue.

Enqueue Operation Graphical Representation

/* Simple Enqueue */

void enqueue(int value) {
        if (is_full()) {
                printf("Queue Is Full\n");
        } else if (is_empty()) {
                // Increment both pointer in first insert

        queue[++rear] = value; // add element to rear


Dequeue operation consist in remove an element from front. So the next element in line can be attended.

Dequeue Operation Graphical Representation

/* Simple Dequeue */

void dequeue() {
        if (is_empty()) {
                printf("Queue Is Empty\n");
        } else if (front == rear) {
                // Reset queue
                rear = -1;
                front = -1;

        front++; // In an array queue we just increment front pointer