The minimum and maximum Y values are always displayed.
Add support for unit-conversion/scaling to series display.
Y scale is displayed with units (count, byte, temp c, etc.)
Memory based data cache in vault.
Add multi-series-on-graph support
JMX instruments can be easily added with definst form
Plots display with a spinner when there are pending queries
Plots display with a gray background when there is stale or missing data
Plots display with a red background when the vault is down
Plots load initial data with incremental query
Reorder the plots on the dashboard with drag/drop
Metlog available in clojars
Client uses local clock synced to server clock to measure local time.
Drag and drop to zoom in X, all plots zoom in sync
Drag and drop to zoom in Y
Plots can be dragged to form an additional column on the dashboard
Annotate performance plots with comments
When a graph is added, it flashes and is scrolled to the screen
There is an info bar at top of screen that shows server time and server name
Test embedded operation within WAR
Add theme switching through UI
Remove series attr query from incremental data updates
The maximum X value is always dispayed
Stop sending a list of all series to the dashboard.
Persistently store the dashboard’s configuration
Store multiple dashboard configurations and retrieve via URL
Delete a plot from the dashboard
Static resources cached to avoid multiple fetch
X query window stored in URL for linking
Add a plot dynamically to the dashboard
Switch interval query to GET parameter
Plots update with incremental query
Plots scroll in X with clock, not with avail data.
X query window adjustable in width (360s, 10m, 2d, etc.)
Plots automatically update from server data.
X Ticks are displayed at label witdh with sensible time units
Autoscale for time X-values (ms, sec, min, hour, etc.)
BUG - Plots displayed flipped around y-axis
BUG - Time utility functions can’t be used to scale test series data in config.clj