author: S. M. Crawford, N. Earl, A. Ginsburg, E. Tollerud, et al.
date-created: 2017 April 21
date-last-revised: 2017 Dec 18
type: Process, Standard Track
status: Accepted
The goal of this APE is to coordinate and plan the development of spectroscopic software within the astropy project. The requirements for spectroscopic tools include handling and reducing observations, different types of analysis, and visualization of spectra. The goal of this APE is to provide a framework that different astronomy packages can use to coordinate the development of spectroscopic tools. The idea is a set of foundational packages that can then be extended to build other tools. As part of this coordination effort, this APE provides specifications for a Spectrum1D class. Note that "1D" is not mean to indicate a single spectrum - the object can also be a collection of spectra. This class will then provide a standard interface for 1D spectra that will be the basis for interoperability.
Spectroscopy lies at the core of much of astronomy. It is used to classify different objects, measure their composition, determine their velocity, and study the underlying phenomena leading to the emission of light over a range of energies. Spectroscopic observations are obtained across the electromagnetic spectrum from radio wavelengths to gamma-rays. While the methodology for the measurement of spectra can be different, the analysis and visualization needs for spectra share many common requirements. These requirements include measurement of spectral features, modeling of physical processes, and interaction with the data.
At the most basic level, a spectrum is a representation of flux as a function of energy. The flux can be expressed in terms of counts, number of photons, energy flux, or temperature; the energy is usually expressed in units of wavelength, frequency, or energy. When analyzing spectra, there are often other important considerations, such as the error associated with the measurement, the provenance of the data, the units and frame of the observations, and the data quality.
With the importance of spectroscopy to astronomy, it has long been the goal of the Astropy Project to provide a common framework to help build tools that allow for cross-package collaboration. The goal of this APE is to describe how these tools can be coordinated. In the process of developing this APE, we hope to bring the community together to collaborate on software for astronomical spectroscopy and provide a path forward for creating a common set of tools for the community.
A need for a spectroscopic package has been recognized from astropy's inception. This was borne out by the large number of different spectroscopic packages that were in development in 2011 (when Astropy was started). Many of these projects had similar, but not quite compatible interfaces (e.g., differences in formats, arguments, and style) with overlapping functionality. At the same time, some commonly used functionality was not implemented at all or only implemented as scripts (e.g., heliocentric corrections).
Nearly from the beginning this problem was recognized, and a package called
was created as one of the first affiliated packages. This
package contained a Spectrum1D object and had the functionality to read and
write some common formats for spectroscopic data. However, this package was not
widely adopted, primarily due to limited coordination/communication with other
efforts and slower-than-expected progress in developing a generalized world
coordinate system (WCS), which was viewed as a key requirement for many desired
features. As a result, this package has been renamed legacy specutils and has been
retired. However, the lessons learned in the development of this package
motivate this APE and provide a way to set a clearer path forward for the
astropy spectroscopy effort.
With previous abandoned efforts in mind, this proposal aims to introduce a new, more robust and extensible framework on top of which new spectroscopic tools can be built with minimal duplication of effort.
There has been a further growth of spectroscopic packages. New packages continue to appear regularly with much the same functionality as previous packages or slightly different versions. While there are some benefits of having multiple independent development threads, there are also major drawbacks, such as a lack of standardization and significant redundant effort. We hope that this APE will focus the community’s efforts into a set of intercompatible tools with minimal duplicated effort.
This APE formally names a committee for coordinating this effort (although this committee has been operating in an informal manner prior to this APE). Patterned after the Astropy Coordinating Committee, the Spectroscopic Coordination Committee will be charged with overseeing the effort described below, and it will be a central point of communication for Astropy spectroscopy efforts. One member of the committee will be a liaison member who is also a member of the Astropy Coordination Committee.
This APE proposes a coordinated suite of packages for doing astronomical spectroscopy in Python. It suggests a division of functionality into three packages, then specifies in detail the structure and API of the core spectral object, Spectrum1D.
The packages will be developed separately but are connected by a common interface object: Spectrum1D. This object will be in a common package - for the near-term, the common package will be specutils, but once the interface has stabilized, these interface classes may be moved to the astropy core package. Packages should use this common Spectrum1D object (described in more detail below) for representing spectra, although they are welcome to subclass it to add package-specific functionality. In the future, more interface objects might be called for - e.g., Spectrum2D, SpectralCube, or similar. In previous discussions at Astropy coordination meetings, there has also been suggestions to eventually create domain-specific subclasses like RadioSpectrum1D or XRaySpectrum1D (with, e.g., different default units appropriate for that field or particular domain-specific methods). These domain-specific classes are not defined in this APE; instead, the intent is for Spectrum1D to provide a starting point for such efforts, which will then develop as they are called for by the community.
The development outlined in this APE will consist of three packages:
- specutils. This will provide the basic interface classes (including the Spectrum1D object), as well as basic analysis of spectroscopic data (which are enumerated in Analysis tools to be included in specutils below). This package is the primary focus of this APE.
- specreduce. This will provide a standard toolbox for reducing spectra, roughly akin to the IRAF “specred” functionality (although not necessarily all of those tasks, nor in a one-to-one manner). Note that this should not contain any instrument-specific code. Observatories or instruments are encouraged to use and contribute back functionality to specreduce, but should provide local functionality in their own dedicated packages or guides. This package will provide the tools to quickly be able to build specific instrument pipelines.
- specviz. This package will provide 1D spectrum visualization capabilities, but is scoped to be focused primarily on that, and not arbitrarily complex spectrum visualization (e.g., data cubes). Note that, unlike the above two, this package should not be considered a toolbox that other tools should be derived from. While other packages are welcome to use it, it is meant to provide a critical piece of functionality, while acknowledging that visualization, GUI code, and even personal taste are variable enough that there is room for a few other visualization packages in the ecosystem. It will, however, have a plugin architecture that may allow users/developers to add to it.
In addition to the packages described above, there are a wide range of more domain-specific, experimental, or taste-specific packages that are likely to be desired in the field of astronomical spectroscopy. These packages can be developed as independent affiliated packages, and this APE encourages such development. However, the intent is for such packages to not duplicate behavior in the foundational three packages described above. Because of the wide range of scientific use cases for spectra, it is understood that some level of duplication between affiliated packages is expected. E.g., multiple line-fitting packages may be reasonable because different science cases may be better-suited to different line-fitting approaches.
Packages should aim for the same level of testing and documentation found in the astropy package, and should follow the standard Astropy affiliated package process to do this. This includes, in particular, considering overlap with existing packages - existing code should be considered and merged when appropriate. The Spectroscopic Coordinating Committee will assist the Astropy Coordinating Committee with this process. Developers are encouraged to build or update existing tools to meet their needs rather than create new packages.
A spectroscopy package should provide a representation of the data, tools for reducing spectroscopic observations, analysis tools, and methods for interacting and visualization of the spectra. In this section, we describe some of the functionality that will be required for a common spectroscopic package. While equally important, we leave the specification of multi-dimensional spectral objects with different spectral axes to future work. At the same time, we should consider how these tools will be compatible with multi-dimensional data in the future.
In this context, a spectrum describes how the flux changes as a function of the
energy of the radiation from some object. There are a number of other
parameters that can be used to describe a spectrum, and a Spectrum1D
will have the following properties:
(more detail on this attribute in the section below)meta
(a dict-like or maybe None)
The spectral_axis
is always a quantity with the same shape as the last (or
only) dimension of flux
. It also must have a spectral unit (i.e., length,
frequency, energy, or velocity). To ease use, the Spectrum1D object will have
, wavelength
, frequency
, velocity
properties that convert
the spectral_axis to the appropriate units. These are to be considered the
'center' of the spectral bins. Bin edges will also be accessible, but the
exact way of accessing bin_edges will be determined at a later date (as it is
intertwined with the .wcs
representation, discussed further below).
will be a Quantity, so the units of the spectrum should be accessed as
. The uncertainty
, if provided, will be a Quantity-like
object with the same shape as the flux
. If it has an uncertainty_type
attribute, arithmetic operations will propagate uncertainties following
standard rules (see the nddata APE for details about the uncertainty attribute).
Conveniences to create common types of uncertainty
(e.g. standard deviation,
inverse variance) will be provided, although the exact syntax is considered an
implementation detail (and not covered in this APE).
and uncertainty
may be multidimensional as long as the last
dimension matches the shape of spectral_axis
This is meant to allow fast
operations on collections of spectra that share the same spectral_axis. While
it may seem to conflict with the “1D” in the class name, this name scheme is
meant to communicate the presence of a single common spectral axis. For more
on this, see the section on data cubes below.
The meta
attribute is meant for metadata, e.g., information from
a FITS header. The Spectrum1D
object will also have a method for
masking a spectrum and adding flags to a spectrum that will be defined in a
similar manner as in NDData
A Spectrum1D
object may include additional attributes
beyond the metadata, masking, and flags. In many cases this is best implemented
via subclasses of Spectrum1D
, but these attributes can also be applied
directly by analysis steps discussed in the “Analysis tools to be included in
specutils” section below. For example, a background subtraction tool would
add an attribute background
to the result spectrum, which is itself a
with the same shape as this one which contains the subtracted
background. Spectral ranges could also be defined for extractions of
overlapping spectra.
While the above properties specify the interface for accessing a Spectrum1D,
these are not all required for initialization. At the minimum, the user will
have to provide a flux
(which can be a Quantity or an array) and the
or wcs
describing the spectral_axis
. The Spectrum1D’s
spectral axis can be instantiated with either a Quantity object, array, or a
pixel-to-spectral transformation function
(the wcs object).
In addition to this information, specutils will provide a method for reading
and writing formats regularly used for spectroscopy. Common formats include
IRAF, SDSS, MIDAS, FITS tables, and ascii tables. This I/O Reading and writing
a Spectrum1D object will use the astropy I/O registry. The Spectrum1D class
will also support directly creating instances using an explicit spectral axis
array without the user having to interface with the wcs
In addition, methods should exist for arithmetic on Spectrum1D objects. Objects with different spectral_axis’s will raise an error if attempts are made to apply arithmetic to them. Arithmetic on non-matching spectral axes therefore requires explicit interpolation so as not to make assumptions about the “best” interpolation algorithm for a given use case. Spectrum1D will contain interpolation methods, either onto different wavelengths (with flux-conserving at least an option) or over bad data points. It will include methods for transforming the spectra to different unit systems (e.g., converting between different velocity frames, frequency vs wavelength, flux transformations, air to vacuum). Note that in general these operations yield new Spectrum1D objects rather than changing anything in place.
We provide some representative examples of Spectrum1D’s proposed behavior.
>>> spec = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=np.arange(50),
>>> spec.spectral_axis
< Quantity [ 0, 1 , 2 , … , 49 ] >
>>> spec.spectral_axis.value
array([ 0, 1 , 2 , … , 49 ])
>>> spec.wcs
< Identity Transform WCS: pixel - pixel transformation >
>>> spec.wcs.pixel_to_world(np.arange(5,10))
[ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
>>> spec.frequency
UnitsError: ‘None’ is not convertible to ‘Hz’
>>> spec.flux
< Quantity [ 0.1234, ... , 0.4321 ] >
>>> spec.flux.value
array( [ 0.1234, ... , 0.4321 ] )
>>> spec = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=np.arange(1, 50)*u.nm,
>>> spec.spectral_axis
< Quantity [ 1 , 2 , … , 49 ] nm >
>>> spec.wcs
< Identity Transform WCS: pixel - nm transformation >
>>> spec.wcs.pixel_to_world(np.arange(5,10))
< Quantity [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] nm >
>>> spec.frequency
<Quantity [ 5.99584916e+16, 4.99654097e+16, 4.28274940e+16,
3.74740572e+16, 3.33102731e+16] Hz>
>>> spec.velocity
UnitsError: A velocity convention and rest value are required for
velocity conversion.
>>> mywcs = wcs.WCS(header={'CDELT1': 1, 'CRVAL1': 6562.8, 'CUNIT1':'Angstrom', 'CTYPE1': 'WAVE', 'RESTFRQ':1400000000, 'CRPIX1': 25})
>>> spec = Spectrum1D(flux=[5,6,7]*u.Jy, wcs=mywcs)
>>> spec.spectral_axis
<Quantity [ 6.53880000e-07, 6.53980000e-07, 6.54080000e-07] Angstrom>
>>> spec.wcs.pixel_to_world(np.arange(3))
array([ 6.53880000e-07, 6.53980000e-07, 6.54080000e-07])
>>> spec.wavelength
<Quantity [ 6.53880000e-07, 6.53980000e-07, 6.54080000e-07] Angstrom>
>>> spec.frequency
<Quantity [ 4.58482379e+24, 4.58412273e+24, 4.58342187e+24] Hz>
>>> spec.velocity
<Quantity [-299792.458,-299792.458,-299792.458] km / s>
>>> spec1 = Spectrum1D(flux=[1,2,3], spectral_axis=[0,1,2]*u.nm)
>>> spec2 = Spectrum1D(flux=[1,1,1], spectral_axis=[1,2,3]*u.nm)
>>> spec1 + spec1
< New Spectrum with flux=[2,4,6] spectral_axis=[0,1,2] >
>>> spec1 + spec2
ValueError: Spectral axes do not match
Beyond a Spectrum1D
object, there will also be a lightweight, multi-dimensional
data object optimized for performance. It will have the same attributes as
. This object will be able to hold arrays of spectral_axis
and flux
and to allow the operation on a large collection of similar
spectra. This may be implemented within the Spectrum1D
class or as a
separate but compatible class.
While it will not be necessary or required to provide or interact with the
property, the following description should inform how the
object should be developed.
The wcs property will provide a conversion between pixel position and the
spectral axis. It will be defined in detail in a pending WCS APE, but in short
it must have two methods: world_to_pixel and pixel_to_world. These
functions map from “pixel” coordinates (i.e., indices) to “world” coordinates,
where world can be anything - even pixels. See the examples above. This
attribute will also contain metadata like the specific spectral frame (e.g.,
optical versus radio velocity definitions). Note that the details of this
attribute may change depending on the outcome of the WCS APE process,
and hence this APE does not rely heavily upon it. However, additional
functionality making use of more advanced WCS functionality is a possibility
for future development of the Spectrum1D class. The wcs
property should
provide seamless and efficient access to the spectral_axis`.
With this future development of WCS in mind, this APE is not concerned with
representations of data cubes, times series of spectra, or similar objects with
multiple spectral axes in the same object. This is the underlying meaning of
the “1D” in Spectrum1D. While these are critical use-cases to address, this
APE is specifically scoped to not include those cases. However, the API
outlined in this APE is meant to guide future development in these directions,
with the intent that the wcs
attribute eventually contain information for a
multi-dimensional spectrum. Conventions like the attribute names used in this
class (where sensible) will then carry over to such future developments.
In contrast to the above, much of the functionality needed to work with spectroscopy operates on spectra, rather than being an intrinsic part of the data structure. specutils will contain standard tools of this sort, although the exact definition of “standard” (and therefore implemented in the specutils package) will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Some of the common functionality that has been identified as important and general enough for inclusion in specutils includes :
- Continuum subtraction or normalization
- Identification of spectral lines or other features
- Measuring features in the spectra including fitting models, calculating line centroids/shapes, equivalent widths, and fluxes
- Deblending of lines
- Measuring velocities for the spectra including cross-correlation
This should not be taken as an exhaustive list, however. Additional functionality that meets the above guidelines will be implemented or accepted via PRs to specutils if of sufficient general interest.
This APE is not intended to specify the full details of the specviz
packages. They will develop separately following the
standard process for developing astropy packages, but this section
outlines example functionality expected for these packages.
- Methods for extracting a 1D spectrum from a 2D image of a dispersed spectrum, including boxcar and “optimal” extraction
- Wavelength calibration
- Removal of sky features
- Flux calibration of spectra
- Integration with (but not duplication of) 2D image-level reduction steps from packages like ccdproc
* Display a spectrum
* Explore the spectra by zooming in on features or moving to different areas.
* Do analysis like line flux measurements (using algorithms provided in specutils) or line fitting
* Overlay spectral line lists (including redshift offsets if relevant)
specutils already exists in its github repository, and part of the Spectrum1D class in this APE has been implemented there, but will need to be completed if this APE is accepted. specreduce also has an implementation, which can be adapted to use the framework described here. Similarly, visualization via the specviz package will do the same. Of course, other packages for spectroscopic analysis exist, and hopefully will also be adapted to this framework in due time.
The proposed changes are incompatible with the previous specutils package. To alleviate this the pre-existing code was forked into the “legacy specutils” package prior to changes proposed in this APE.
Despite the existence of an astropy specutils package with a Spectrum1D object, it has not been widely adopted. This is the original motivation for this APE. However, there are other options to consider:
- Do nothing. Pro: This requires no additional work or collaboration. Con: We will continue to redevelop the same set of existing tools and waste limited resources in the community. There will also be in clear, established way of teaching how to develop spectral objects in python.
- Have the Spectrum1D object be a very limited base class and have development for different discipline/wavelenth ranges happen independently (i.e. RadioSpectrum1D, OpticalSpectrum1D, XRaySpectrum1D would have their own packages). Pro: This is more descriptive and thus more familiar for users of a field. Con: This will likely lead to redevelopment of some tools, and likely lead to less sharing of tools developed for different domains.
- Developing functional code with no Spectrum1D object. Pro: Faster development with less overhead. Con: Increase difficulty in maintaining common namespace (wave vs. wavelength vs. something else) that can lead to conflicts in collaborating. Also is quite different from other Astropy efforts and Python standards (e.g., PEP8).
There were extensive discussions with multiple stakeholders undertaken in the process of putting together this APE and it appears as though concensus has been reached. This APE was accepted on Dec 18, 2017.