An e-paper programmable card to contain all the "barcode based" cards that are filling up our pockets. The card is proved to be buildable for example, but the "good part" of this idea is making people get rid of their plastic gift/fidelity cards.
- Make space in your pockets
- Fun and easy to build as an hobby project
- Cheap, battery will last for years
- Compatible with existing supermarkets, shops barcode scanners
- Can be extended with smart cpu for improvements and passive screen like this prototype
- Fun and easy to build as an hobby project, but hard to scale, needs a factory or a remote company to assemble stuff, it's cheap, but not that cheap
- Will shops accept it?
- I don't know how to build an electronic board, I worked only with Arduino/Raspberry Pi
- Cheap clones! Needs patents
- Can be outsmarted by apps
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