A personal shopper that will help you design your home and will buy with you the items you need @ Ikea. Meet at home, take measures and discuss design choices, go to shop together.
- Many people likes IKEA but have zero knowledge of taking measures or design their home. IKEA tools are far from perfect
- Can be a second job for many people (including myself)
- IKEA is everywhere
- Personal shoppers for clothes are a thing. Why not furniture?
- MVP easy to be created (launch page, plus calendar)
- Ikea can easily replicate the service or find a way to fight against it
- Must be cheap
- How to set contract? How about the user not satisfied with final results?
- Additional services like transportation and assembly are already sold by Ikea itself
- Hard to scale
- Staff needs some basic knowledge of how to take measures and/or home design
Check https://github.com/napolux/1000ideas for license and FAQ