The title says it all. Shutdown every activity (Internet, apps, whatever) apart from phone calls (in and out) on your smartphone for a specific time interval in order to avoid addiction and any other phone usage, for example in specific environments
- Can help people to be in a "distraction-free" environment for a while or parents helping kids to be more responsible with their smartphones
- Many apps on desktop, no apps for mobile
- Probably easy to be made: an app that can't be closed (with phone exception, which can be implemented in the app) and disable notifications
- Easy to monetize: 0.99$ or more
- Press will go crazy for something like this :-P
- Cannot work on iOS for sure (jailbreak?), not really sure for Android
- What about possible bugs that can forbid people to use their phone in case of emergency? Lawsuit!
- Is there really a market for this kind of apps? Probably not
- Should provide strong security in order to be activated only on purpose
- Probably removed by any store management...
Check for license and FAQ