You don't know what Flughafen means in german? Type it into the visual dictionary, it will search in Google Images for the word and return the correct result. For example, this is the search for Flughafen.
- Easy to use and easy to understand
- Can be built as an app or as a webservice
- Can work with illiterate people. Type "Flughafen" into the app, show the images
- Simple MVP. Just a script calling the API and presenting results can work as a demo
- Coupled with AI/Machine learning can be much more precise
- Dependent on Google Custom Search (or other) APIs, usage limits included
- Licensing problem for pictures. Can we safely assume they are "free" to use?
- Probably too much dictionary apps
- How to monetize?
- Results should be checked somehow
- Should work offline, especially in 3rd world countries or problematic environments
Check for license and FAQ