Queue worker service in Go.
function main(){
//new a queue worker service
job := work.New()
//register worker
//register queue driver
//set options
//start service
* Register worker
func RegisterWorker(job *work.Job) {
//register a worker with a callback function.
job.AddFunc("topic:test", test)
//register a worker with a callback function and a concurrency control param.
job.AddFunc("topic:test1", test, 2)
//register a worker with worker data structure.
job.AddWorker("topic:test2", &work.Worker{Call: work.MyWorkerFunc(test), MaxConcurrency: 1})
* Register queue driver for topic
func RegisterQueueDriver(job *work.Job) {
//you can register a queue driver for one or more topics. For queue driver, you must implement interface of work.Queue
job.AddQueue(queue1, "topic:test1", "topic:test2")
//you can set a default queue driver, that will be available for the remain topics
* Task callback function
* Remark:process is best not to be asynchronous,otherwise job service can control concurrency of worker.
* If you need an asynchronous process, you need to block util the process finish, such as wg.Wait()
func test(task work.Task) (work.TaskResult) {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
s, err := work.JsonEncode(task)
if err != nil {
//work.StateFailed will not execute ACK confirm
//work.StateFailedWithAck will execute ACK confirm
//return work.TaskResult{Id: task.Id, State: work.StateFailed}
return work.TaskResult{Id: task.Id, State: work.StateFailedWithAck}
} else {
//work.StateSucceed will execute ACK confirm
fmt.Println("do task", s)
return work.TaskResult{Id: task.Id, State: work.StateSucceed}
more example you can see at example/job.go.
You can run a test by example/example.go.
You can run a command by `go run example/example.go`.