Releases: nawawi/docket-cache
Releases · nawawi/docket-cache
Release 21.02.06
- Fixed: Plugin::site_url_scheme() -> strip whitespace.
- Fixed: Tweaks::post_missed_schedule() -> remove sort by date.
- Fixed: Tweaks::register_tweaks() -> run register_tweaks at shutdown, lock for 3 minutes.
- Fixed: ReqAction::exit_failed() -> missing args.
- Fixed: ReqAction::parse_action() -> replace $_GET, $_POST conditional with $_REQUEST.
- Fixed: Canopt::put_config() -> check file exists before unlink.
- Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> exclude transient key health-check-site-status-result.
- Fixed: CronAgent::run_wpcron() -> capture hook output if any.
- Removed: Plugin::suspend_wp_options_autoload() -> already replace with Filesystem::optimize_alloptions().
- Added: Filesystem::keys_alloptions() -> list of core alloptions key.
- Added: Action Hook -> 'docketcache/action/flushcache/object' to flush cache files.
- Added: Becache::export() -> early cache for transient and alloptions.
- Improved: Configuration -> change wording at Option label.
- Improved: CronAgent::send_action() -> disconnect if object cache disabled.
Release 21.02.05
- Fixed: Normalize a filesystem path on Windows.
- Fixed: Plugin::cleanuppost() -> Invalid counting for trash.
- Fixed: Tweaks::woocommerce_crawling_addtochart_links() -> Checking user-agent to avoid redundancy in robots.txt.
- Fixed: OPcache -> OPcache Config. Proper link directives name to php documentation.
- Added: Configuration -> Actions -> Runtime code. install/uninstall runtime code.
- Added: Configuration -> Runtime Options. Possible to handles wp debug and auto update core.
- Added: OPcache -> OPcache Files -> Items limit selection. Limit items to display.
- Improved: runtime code and how to handle wp constants.
- Removed: Our sequence order to the first index in the plugin list.
Release 21.02.04
- Fixed View::code_focus() -> remove {behavior: "smooth"} to correct scroll position in firefox.
- Fixed OPcacheView::get_files() -> normalize files path.
- Fixed Filesystem::opcache_reset() -> remove additional invalidate files, issue with memory burst when run admin preloading.
- Fixed ReqAction::run_action() -> prevent run opcache_reset after flush object cache.
- Fixed Tweaks::limit_http_request() -> allows admin-ajax.php and .local hostname.
- Added Tweaks::woocommerce_crawling_addtochart_links() -> simple tweaks to prevent robots from crawling add-to-cart links.
- Added LIMITHTTPREQUEST_WHITELIST constant -> list of hostname to exclude from checking.
- Added Tweaks::wpdashboardnews() -> remove Events & News Feed in WP dashboard.
- Added Cronbot -> Run Now for single event.
Release 21.02.01
- Fixed Filesystem::chmod() -> invalid mode for file.
- Fixed Filesystem::define_cache_path() -> avoid checking if the cache path exists and create the content path if define.
- Fixed Overview -> Cache Path not same with DOCKET_CACHE_PATH, due to error at define_cache_path().
- Added Filesystem::mkdir_p() -> fix directory permissions issues, when web server and php have different user/group.
- Added Filesystem::touch() -> fix notice "Utime failed: Operation not permitted" when web server and php have different user/group.
- Added Filesysten::getchmod() -> gets file/dir permissions in octal format.
- Added OPcache viewer.
- Added sites selection for cleanup post on multisite.
- Updated tested up to 5.7
- Improved action notice at the configuration page.
Thanks to @patrickwgs for reporting an issue on bedrock installation.
Release 21.01.01
- Fixed Tweaks::woocommerce_cart_fragments_remove() -> check if "wc-cart-fragments" script exists.
- Fixed WP_Object_Cache::dc_precache_set -> ignore transient, site-transient.
- Added Configuration Options -> Runtime Options.
- Added Configuration Actions -> Config reset.
- Added Configuration Actions -> Cleanup Post revisions, auto drafts, trash bin.
- Added WP-CLI command -> runtime:install, runtime:reset.
Release 20.12.04
- Fixed Limit WP-Admin HTTP Requests -> invalid variable pagenow.
- Fixed Cache Log -> use get_utc_offset() instead of date('T').
- Fixed Overview Actions -> rename admin/actcmd.php to admin/actions.php.
- Fixed Cronbot Events -> display notice if failed to load EventList() .
- Fixed nwdcx_throwable() -> only save data if WP_DEBUG defined .
- Fixed Tweak::compat_notice() -> move to Plugin::compat_notice(), do check at CLI.
- Fixed Plugin::get_subpage() -> add checking for adx variable.
- Fixed OPcache flush -> lock for 20 seconds before accept new request.
- Added Filesystem() methods -> sanitize_precache_maxfile, sanitize_maxsize, sanitize_maxsizedisk.
Release 20.12.03
- Fixed Auto-updates -> remove v20.11.05 workaround, had issue with opcache, enable/disable docket auto-updates only in docket cache -> configuration.
- Fixed nwdcx_cleanuptransient() -> didn't cleanup properly.
- Added Configuration -> Limit WP-Admin HTTP Requests.