- Fix for multiproject helper in IntegrationTestKitSpec
- make projectdir absolute
- Fix to IntegrationTestKitSpec
- Add IntegrationTestKitSpec -- helper for Gradle TestKit
- Remove a shaded library
- BUGFIX: Fixes for Windows users
- Thanks Björn Kautler github: Vampire
- Thanks Willie Slepecki github: scphantm
- Update to Gradle 3.3
- BREAKING CHANGE no longer works with earlier versions of gradle
- Gradle 3.3 updates
- BUGFIX: maven bom generation
- Add maven bom generation helper
- Add objenesis for Spock
- Gradle 2.14 compatibility
- Compatibility with Gradle 2.8
- Added support for Pre-build hooks from ethankhall
- Move to gradle 2.6
- Switch to new publishing
- Add classpath filtering to prevent Gradle, IntelliJ and JVM classes from being added to the IntegrationSpec init script classpath. Set classpathFilter to nebula.test.functional.GradleRunner#CLASSPATH_ALL to restore the default behaviour, or implement your own predicate to control the filtering for your use case
- move to spock 1.0-groovy-2.3
- Improve debugging support for forked tests
- Move to gradle 2.2.1
- Add ability to choose Gradle version
- Merged in dependency generation improvements from 1.12.4
- Add ability to choose Gradle version
- Improve dependency generation, add builder syntax, add useful helpers
- Add multi-project helpers
- Bug fixes
- Methods to gain more insight into what tasks were run
- Ability to configure if an integration project should clean it self up
- Move to gradle 1.12
- Under lying implementation of IntegrationSpec can now be backed by the Tooling API or a GradleLauncher.
- BREAKING: Return type from runTask* is now ExecutionResult. And depending on the implemention it might not support additional insight, like the Gradle object or the task state.
- Added helper methods to IntegrationSpec class
- Bug fixes for writeHelloWorld
- Add ability to specify URI of gradle distribution during generation
- Use contacts plugin
- Ensure that up to date applies to real tasks
- Bug fix to how nebula.test.dependencies parses the -> syntax
- Add nebula.test.dependencies package to allow users to create local ivy and maven repositories
- Improvements to documentation
- Added PluginProjectSpec for people to extend to run some basic tests
- Remove UpToDateCategory
- rev nebula-plugin-plugin to 1.9.5
- stop using dynamic versions of libraries
- improvements to project strucgture
- fix import for FileUtils
- Initial release