![Logo](/nestrada2/dunkhead/raw/main/public/img/Dunk Sb Pixel Art/Silver Box/takashi_rotate.png)
A website that collects and displays information about Nike Dunk SB sneakers.
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This program aims to create a unique website for sneaker enthusiasts, focusing specifically on the history, news, and cultural significance of Nike Dunk SBs. While many sneaker websites follow a similar format to cover sneaker culture, this app offers a more personal and creative perspective. It emphasizes the artistic and cultural value of sneakers, particularly Dunk SBs, over their commercial appeal.
Front-End | Template Engine | Back-End |
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/nestrada2/dunkhead.git
- Install NPM packages
npm install
node server.js
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Express, Stack Overflow, W3 School, MDN, Geeks for Geeks, CSS Tricks, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, NES.css, Animate.css, Handlebars, Sneaks API, Moment.js, Puppeteer, GSAP, Nice Kicks, Kicks on Fire, Sneaker Freaker, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro