Install it via bower
bower install multi-timeline --save
or download multi-timeline.min.js
and multi-timeline.min.css
Include jquery.js
, moment.js
and multi-timeline.js
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="../dest/multi-timeline.min.js"></script>
Include multi-timeline.min.css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dest/multi-timeline.min.css"/>
Create the root element that holds your timelines:
<div class="multi-timeline"></div>
data: [
title: 'Entry',
start: '2015-02-22',
end: '2015-02-24'
title: 'Another Entry',
start: '2015-02-23',
end: '2015-02-28'
These are possible config values. Shown are defaults.
start: '2015-02-21', // Start of the timeline. Default is today -7 days
end: '2015-03-04', // End of the timeline. Default is today +7 days
zoom: 5, // Initial zoom level.
zoomStep: 1, // Number of days added before `start` and after `end` when zooming
zoomOutControl: $('.zoom-out'), // Element to trigger zoomOut on click
zoomInControl: $('.zoom-in'), // Element to trigger zoomIn on click
goRightControl: $('.go-right'), // Element to trigger goRight on click
goLeftControl: $('.go-left'), // Element to trigger goLeft on click
maxLabelCount: 20, // Max count of x-axis labels (lower it if your labels overlap)
timelineSpacing: 30, // Vertical margin in pixels between two timelines
xAxisDateFormat: 'DD/MM', // x-axis date format (moment.js format)
xAxisUnit: 'days', // x-axis unit. Possible values are 'days' and 'weeks'.
// To display week numbers, use 'ww' as xAxisDateFormat.
markerDateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // Date format for start and end markers (moment.js format)
// set to false to disable markers completely
mousewheelPan: true, // Pan timeline on scroll
mousewheelZoom: true, // Zoom timeline on ctrl + scroll
gridPrecision: 15, // In minutes, time gets rounded on drag
flatten: false, // (experimental) Tries to display the timeline as flat as
// possible (with as few layers as possible) by filling
// out empty space. Multiple timelines may share the same layer.
// This currently breaks draggable and resizeable functions.
allDraggable: true, // Makes all timelines draggable (editable)
// to make only certain timelines draggable
// set to false and use the `draggable` key in
// your timeline data object
allResizeable: true, // Makes all timelines resizeable (editable)
// to make only certain timelines resizeable
// set to false and use the `resizeable` key in
// your timeline data object
onZoomChange: function(newZoom) { // Executed when zoom changes
onTimelineClick: function(event, data) { // Executed when a timeline is clicked. Receives js event and
}, // data specified in `data`
onDragEnd: function(element, timeline) { // Executed when a timeline has been dragged
onResizeEnd: function(element, timeline) { // Executed when a timeline has been resized
onEdit: function(element, timeline) { // Executed when a timeline has been dragged or resized
data: [] // Timeline data (see below)
Each timeline is specified as an object and can receive the following attributes. All attributes are optional.
title: 'Title of your timeline',
start: '2015-02-22 18:00:00', // ISO_8601 date (with or without time)
end: '2015-02-24', // ISO_8601 date (with or without time)
color: '#f00', // background-color, is set via inline style attribute if string
// If you provide an array of colors, all specified values
// are applied using embedded colored flexbox containers.
class: 'important', // Additional class for .tl-timeline elements
zIndex: 10, // z-index for this timeline (to manage overlaps)
layer: 0, // Each timeline is on it's own layer (always one higher than the one
// before). If you set a specific layer, it's possible for two
// timelines to share the same layer.
draggable: true // Use when `allDraggable` is set to `false`
// makes this specific timeline draggable
resizeable: true // Use when `allResizeable` is set to `false`
// makes this specific timeline resizeable
phases: [] // (experimental) Provide multiple start/end dates for a
// timeline. The timeline becomes read only since edit support
// for phases is not yet supported. For a working example see
// exampes/index.html or the demo website.
If the start
or end
attributes are not specified, the timeline becomes infinite in corresponding direction.
You can use the getData
method to gain access to the new data of timelines. Use the onDragEnd
event to
stay up to date:
var timeline = $('.multi-timeline').multiTimeline({
// Get modified data
onDragEnd: function(element, timeline) {
You can specifiy elements to trigger certain events:
zoomOutControl: $('.zoom-out') // Zooms out 1 zoomStep on click
zoomInControl: $('.zoom-in') // Zooms in 1 zoomStep on click
goRightControl: $('.go-right') // Pans the timeline to the right on click
goLeftControl: $('.go-left') // Pans the timeline to the left on click
Use the onZoomChange
event to update a range-input. Use the setZoom()
method to update the zoom level of
your timeline:
<input type="range" min="0" max="40" value="5" class="js-set-zoom">
var timeline = $('.multi-timeline').multiTimeline({
// Update slider on zoom change
onZoomChange: function(newZoom) {
// Set zoom on change
$('.js-set-zoom').on('change', function() {'multiTimeline').setZoom(this.value);
To display week numbers on your x-axis, set xAxisUnit
to weeks
and use ww
as xAxisDateFormat
xAxisUnit: 'weeks',
xAxisDateFormat: 'ww',