source : Samuel Resua (
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Store from './store';
const App = () => (
<ComponentExample />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
const contextExample = {
name: 'Example',
initialState: {
param: 'pouet',
reducer: (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'actionType':
// Update state
const newState = {
params: action.payload,
return newState;
return state;
export default contextExample;
const createStore = (config = []) => {
// Reduce into an object of providers and context
const { contexts, providers } = config.reduce(
(acc, { name, initialState, reducer }) => {
// Context
const stateContext = React.createContext();
const dispatchContext = React.createContext();
// Create provider
const Provider = ({ children }) => {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
return (
<State.Provider value={state}>
<Dispatch.Provider value={dispatch}>{children}</Dispatch.Provider>
// Set and return
acc.providers.push(<Provider />);
acc.context[name] = { state: stateContext, dispatch: dispatchContext };
return acc;
providers: [],
contexts: {},
// Create store
const Store = ({ children: initial }) =>
(children, parent) => React.cloneElement(parent, { children }),
return { Store, ...contexts };
export default createStore;
import createStore from './createStore';
import contextExample from './contextExample';
import contextExampleBis from './contextExampleBis';
const { Store, ...contexts } = createStore([contextExample, contextExampleBis]);
export contexts;
export default Store;
import { Example } from '../store';
const ComponentExample = () => {
const { param } = React.useContext(Example.state);
const dispatch = React.useContext(Example.dispatch);
const handleClick = () => {dispatch('actionType', { payload: 'pouik' })};
return (
<p>Context param: {param}</p>
<button onClick={handleClick} >Click me</button>
export default ComponentExample;