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39 lines (28 loc) · 1.41 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (28 loc) · 1.41 KB


This code does the following:

  • Creates a dataframe with joins with master
  • Based on the dataset, finds the Airlines with the least delay
  • Exercises multiple groupings like which Airline has most flights to New York
  • Exercises secondary sorts like which airlines arrive the worst on which airport and by what delay
  • Exercises custom partitioners using airline Id (optimised version of the previous topic)

Currently using the data from January, downloaded from here:

All the following files (source data) are expected to be in the same folder:

  • On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2018_1.csv
  • L_AIRLINE_ID.csv
  • L_AIRPORT_ID.csv

Running the spark App:

This code was tested with Apache Spark version 2.3.1, in local mode only so far. It can be executed using the following command:

$ spark-submit --class insights.InsightsApp --master local[6] --num-executors 6 --driver-memory 2G target/scala-2.11/flight-insights_2.11-0.1.jar /data/source/folder

This App in local mode is currently taking the following time to execute in a regular laptop (output from time bash command):

real	0m28.248s
user	1m39.277s
sys	0m5.310s

Results are written in CSV to a folder named results, from where to app is executed. Performance measurements are taken for each query and output during the execution of the job.