All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Bugfix: Re-build broken Windows release
- Enhancement: Adding support for numpad 'Enter' key PR #168) Contributed by @smithkyle
- Enhancement: Adding support for 'Fn' modifier key PR #169) Contributed by @smithkyle
- Maintenance: Version upgrades, CI updates, etc.
- Feature: Move/focus/resize window (#18) Contributed by @ekrenzin
- Enhancement: Adding support for numpad 'clear' key PR #166) Contributed by @smithkyle
- Maintenance: Version upgrades, CI updates, etc.
- Bugfix: Screen capture broken on macOS 13 (nut-tree/nut.js#469)
- Enhancement: Enable newly introduced keys to be used as modifiers (nut-tree/nut.js#490)
- Bugfix: screen.highlight closes Electron window (nut-tree/nut.js#505)
- Bugfix: Fix rounding to mouse move on Window to fix mouse drift (#126)
- Bugfix: Update permissionCheck.js to cache permission check results and only ask for permissions on actual function call by wrapping it in a HOF (nut-tree/nut.js#477)
- Bugfix: Add rounding to mouse move on Window to fix mouse drift (#126)
- Enhancement: Add additional keys (nut-tree/nut.js#457)
- Bugfix: Update permission handling on macOS (nut-tree/nut.js#469)
- Bugfix: Fix
ReferenceError: b is not defined
(PR#148) - Enhancement: Improved permission handling on macOS (#141)
- Bugfix: Limit calls to SetThreadDPIAwarenessContext to Windows 10 clients (#136)
- Bugfix: Segmentation Fault when retrieving window title (nut-tree/nut-js#377)
- Enhancement: Automatically check and request required permissions on macOS (nut-tree/nut-js#377)
- Enhancement: Add Windows runtime files (PR #130)
- Bugfix: Fix capture region x,y offset when DPI scaling on Windows (PR #131)
- Bugfix: Fix wrong keycode for CapsLock (PR #132)
- Bugfix: Modifier keys are not properly released on macOS (nut-tree/nut-js#264)
- Bugfix: Fix mouse clicks with modifiers on macOS (nut-tree/nut-js#273)
- Enhancement: Disable microsleep between keypresses on Windows and Linux (#101)
- Enhancement: Add mappings for missing numpad keys (#102)
- Enhancement: Added missing key mappings (#103)
- Bugfix: Revert keyboardInput to use scancodes (PR #107)
- Bugfix: Updated doubleClick implementation to fire two up/down cycles (nut-tree/nut-js#373)
- Enhancement: Determine Windows doubleclick interval (#116)
- Bugfix: Mouse click doesn't work on external monitor with negative x and y (#71)
- Bugfix: macOS doubleclick fires two doubleclick events (#120)
- Enhancement: Numpad buttons don't work on Linux (nut-tree/nut.js#360)
- Bugfix: Issue with keyboard.type in to Spotlight on MacOS (nut-tree/nut.js#152)
- Bugfix: Keypresses not properly caught on Windows (#94)
- Enhancement: Enable some kind of warning / info message in case system requirements are not met (#91)
- Bugfix: Windows display scaling is applied in wrong direction (#92)
- Enhancement: Fix undefined behaviour of BufferFinalizer (#47)
- Bugfix: Fix for screen highlight window minimized intead close (PR #77)
- Enhancement: SendInput for mouse movement on Windows (#26)
- Bugfix: Windows Scaling issues: screen functions broken (nut-tree/nut.js#249)
- Enhancement: Support Apple Silicon (nut-tree/nut.js#306)
- Bugfix: Remove scan code KEYUP block (PR #87)
- Maintenance: Upgrade CI (#56)
- Enhancement: Fix compiler warnings (#58)
- Enhancement: Windows: Support for HDPI displays (#59)
- Enhancement: macOS: Support for M1 chips (PR #50)
- Enhancement: Remove static keyboard delay (PR #64)
- Enhancement: Snapshot releases (#4)
- Enhancement: Update CI configs (#7)
- Enhancement: Split OS specific implementation into separate files (#20)
- Enhancement: Linux: Update XGetMainDisplay to avoid receiving
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
(#27) - Enhancement: Enable GitHub Actions (#40)
- Enhancement: Trigger snapshot build for after snapshot release (#42)
- Bugfix: Region captures can't capture the whole screen (#45)
- Enhancement: Retrieve coordinates of current active window (#15)
- Enhancement: Retrieve dimensions for a window specified via its window handle (#17)
- Enhancement: Separate folders for OS specific implementation (#19)
- Enhancement: Retrieve window name for a given window handle (#22)
- Bugfix: Fix hanging shift key after keyboard input on Windows (#12)