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Research on the use of different methods to integrate micro-frontends :

Micro-frontends using iframes

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-iframe/

  1. In ./ngapp, use the command npm run dev to launch the Angular app locally at http://localhost:5001/
  2. Idem in ./reactapp & ./vueapp, which will launch respectively at http://localhost:5002/ & http://localhost:5003/
  3. Launch in ./wrapperapp the global app using npm start to see the result at http://localhost:5000/

Micro-frontends using JavaScript

This method uses React & Angular as Micro-frontends rendered server-side & plain JavaScript to compose Micro-frontends client-side

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-js/ and like with Express/EJS :

  1. In the 3 ./react-X folders, execute npm run start:prod

This will launch 3 React micro-frontends at http://localhost:7001/, http://localhost:7002/ & http://localhost:7003/

  1. In the 2 ./angularX folders, also execute npm run start:prod

This will launch 2 Angular micro-frontends at http://localhost:7004/ & http://localhost:7005/

  1. In the root folder, launch the express server with node server.js

View the result at http://localhost:7000/

Micro-frontends using React

This method uses React as Micro-frontends & to create Micro-frontends

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-react/ :

  1. In each folder execute npm start

This will launch 3 micro-frontends :
The container application (wrapperapp) at http://localhost:3000/,
Two micro-applications (microappX) at http://localhost:3001/ & http://localhost:3002/

The content server (common-content) at http://localhost:3100/ allows shared content across the micro-frontends such as libraries, CSS, JSON data...

  1. View the result at http://localhost:3000/

Micro-frontends using Custom Elements

This method uses Direflow to create React Web Components, Angular Elements for Angular Web Components & @vue/web-component-wrapper for Vue Web Components

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-webcomponents/ :

  1. In ./angular-app, react-app & vue-app execute npm run dev to build & launch the Angular, React & Vue Web Components at http://localhost:4001/, http://localhost:4002/ & http://localhost:4003/
  2. In ./common-content run npm start to allow use of shared content serve at http://localhost:4100/
  3. In ./wrapper-app run npm start to see an example of use of Custom Elements at http://localhost:4000/

Micro-frontends using Custom Elements with Redux

Advanced Custom Elements example using a global state with Redux

This method uses Direflow to create React Web Components & @vue/web-component-wrapper for Vue Web Components

It also implements react-redux and vuejs-redux to handle communication with the store

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-wc-redux/ :

  1. In react-app & vue-app execute npm run dev to build & launch the React & Vue Web Components at http://localhost:4001/, http://localhost:4002/

  2. In ./redux-app run npm start to bundle all the redux logic in a single js file (thanks to rollup.js). The result is served at http://localhost:4100/

  3. In ./wrapper-app (a React application), run npm start to contain the micro-frontend and use a router allowing different lifecycles to our Web components. See the result at http://localhost:4000/

Micro-frontends using Custom Elements with Vuex

Advanced Custom Elements example using a global state with Vuex

This method uses Direflow to create React Web Components & @vue/web-component-wrapper for Vue Web Components

To handle communication between Vuex store & React, a script was created at .../react-app/vuex-react with useful hooks, using React context

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-wc-redux/ :

  1. In react-app & vue-app execute npm run dev to build & launch the React & Vue Web Components at http://localhost:4001/, http://localhost:4002/

  2. In ./vuex-app run npm start to serve the main.js file, which contains all the vuex logic in a json array file (with modifications for React). The result is served at http://localhost:4100/

  3. In ./wrapper-app, run npm start to see the result at http://localhost:4000/

Micro-frontends using Express & EJS (Simple Example)

This method uses React & Angular as Micro-frontends rendered server-side & EJS to compose Micro-frontends server-side

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-express/

  1. In the 3 ./react-X folders, execute npm run start:prod

This will launch 3 React micro-frontends at http://localhost:8001/, http://localhost:8002/ & http://localhost:8003/

  1. In the ./angular folders, also execute npm run start:prod

This will launch an Angular micro-frontends at http://localhost:8004/

  1. In the root folder, launch the express server with node server.js

  2. View the result at http://localhost:8000/

Micro-frontends using Express & EJS (Advanced Example)

Advanced Server-Side Rendered Micro-frontends using Next.js with Redux, Nuxt.js with Vuex and the sessionStorage to pass data from one page to the other

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-ssr-storage/

  1. In the 2 ./react-app-X and the vue-appfolders, execute npm run build && npm run start

This will launch the 3 micro-frontends respectively at http://localhost:8001/, http://localhost:8002/ & http://localhost:8003/

  1. In the./common-content folder, launch the server with npm start from which data will be fetched

  2. In the./container-app folder, launch the express server with npm start

  3. View the result at http://localhost:8000/

Micro-frontends using Single SPA

This method uses Single SPA framework & its helper libraries to create Micro-frontends

⚠️ Developper mode only ⚠️

⚠️ Unmount problems with Angular framework not solved ⚠️

Go to Micro-frontends/microfront-with-single-spa/ :

  1. In angular-app, react-app, vue-app & react-navbar execute npm run dev to build & launch the Angular, React and Vue 'Single SPAs' respectively at http://localhost:9001/, http://localhost:9002/, http://localhost:9003/ & http://localhost:9004/

  2. In ./root-config, run npm start to see the result at http://localhost:9000/