- Keptn support for PKS (Pivotal/VMWare) #5
- Keptn support for Rancher #462
- Keptn installation using a NodePort for Istio ingressgateway #462
- Enable Istio injection for namespaces #715
- Keptn API can be reached without Istio #1073
- REST API endpoints for: project and service #893
- REST API support for start-evaluation and evaluation-done #949
- Allow filtering by project, stage, and service in keptn-datastore #980
- helm-service: Allow changing any file in Helm Chart #995
- remediation-service: Remediation action for slowing down requests#1006
- lighthouse-service: Default behaviour if no slo.yml found -> evaluation pass #1081
- mongodb-datastore: Allow event-retrieval filtering by source #1061
- bridge: Improve bridge for lighthouse and SLI events #1058
- jmeter/wait-service: Send test-finished event with start/end time rather than startedat #1078
- Double check specification and implementation of events #997
- Provide Helm helper functions for Keptn's project, stage, and service #1109
- Adapt DT integration to create rules based on DT_CUSTOM_PROP #1110
- Slim down image size of Keptn installer image #1034
- Only check image availability on Docker if image contains docker.io #991
- Keptn uninstall commands shows that not everything is uninstalled #971
- Support for start-evaluation and get evaluation-done #948
- Quality gates standalone via CLI needs to set test-strategy #1069
- Fixed issues with git clone and secrets #929
- Fixed version in Swagger for Keptn API #983
- Check valid project and stage names #745
- Fixed error message when Keptn installation #932
- Centralize ResolveXipIoWithContext to go-utils for all API calls #1005
- Fixed issues with Keptn events that are transferred into wrong format when stored by MongoDB #1021
- Fixed issue for paging the resource list #1048
- Fixed issue when creating a project with a git upstream repo with . (dots) #1095
- Forward testStrategy and deployment strategy in evaluation-events#1098
- Travis CI Pipeline runs for all pull requests for external contributors#957
- Changed go-utils from go-dep to go-modules #959
- Provide nightly builds for the CLI and containers #946
- Refactored mongodb-datastore to use go-utils develop version #1011
- Update of Contribution Guide and Getting started #943
- Added Developer Documentation #938
- Unified Dockerfiles and add Skaffold YAMLs for easy in-cluster debugging #1026