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Metric Instruments

Removes the optional semantic declarations Monotonic and Absolute for metric instruments, declares the Measure and Observer instruments as foundational, and introduces a process for standardizing new instrument refinements.

Note that OTEP 93 contains a final proposal for the set of instruments, of which there are seven. Note that OTEP 96 contains a final proposal for the names of the seven standard instruments. These three OTEPs will be applied as a group to the specification, using the names finalized in OTEP 96.


With the removal of Gauge instruments and the addition of Observer instruments in the specification, the existing Monotonic and Absolute options began to create confusion. For example, a Counter instrument is used for capturing changes in a Sum, and we could say that non-negative-valued metric events define a monotonic Counter, in the sense that its Sum is monotonic. The confusion arises, in this case, because Absolute refers to the captured values, whereas Monotonic refers to the semantic output.

From a different perspective, Counter instruments might be treated as refinements of the Measure instrument. Whereas the Measure instrument is used for capturing all-purpose synchronous measurements, the Counter instrument is used specifically for synchronously capturing measurements of changes in a sum, therefore it uses Add() instead of Record(), and it specifies Sum as the standard aggregation.

What this illustrates is that we have modeled this space poorly. This proposal does not propose to change any existing metrics APIs, only our understanding of the three instruments currently included in the specification: Measure, Observer, and Counter.


The Measure and Observer instrument are defined as foundational here, in the sense that any kind of metric instrument must reduce to one of these. The foundational instruments are unrestricted, in the sense that metric events support any numerical value, positive or negative, zero or infinity.

The distinction between the two foundational instruments is whether they are synchronous. Measure instruments are called synchronously by the user, while Observer instruments are called asynchronously by the implementation. Synchronous instruments (Measure and its refinements) have three calling patterns (Bound, Unbound, and Batch) to capture measurements. Asynchronous instruments (Observer and its refinements) use callbacks to capture measurements.

All measurement APIs produce metric events consisting of timestamp, instrument descriptor, label set, and numerical value. Synchronous instrument events additionally have Context, describing properties of the associated trace and distributed correlation values.

Terminology: Kinds of Aggregation

Aggregation refers to the technique used to summarize many measurements and/or observations into some kind of summary of the data. As detailed in the metric SDK specification (TODO: WIP), there are generally two relevant modes of aggregation:

  1. Within one collection interval, for one label set, the SDK's Aggregator.Add() interface method incorporates one new measurement value into the current aggregation value. This happens at run time, therefore is referred to as temporal aggregation. This mode applies only to Measure instruments.
  2. Within one collection interval, when combining label sets, the SDK's Aggregator.Merge() interface method incorporates two aggregation values into one aggregation value. This is referred to as spatial aggregation. This mode applies to both Measure and Observer instruments.

As discussed below, we are especially interested in aggregating rate information, which sometimes requires that temporal and spatial aggregation be treated differently.

Last-value relationship

Observer instruments have a well-defined Last Value measured by the instrument, that can be useful in defining aggregations. The Last Value of an Observer instrument is the value that was captured during the last-completed collection interval, and it is a useful relationship because it is defined without relation to collection interval timing. The Last Value of an Observer is determined by the single most-recently completed collection interval--it is not necessary to consider prior collection intervals. The Last Value of an Observer is undefined when it is not observed during a collection interval.

To maintain this property, we impose a requirement: two or more Observe() calls with an identical LabelSet during a single Observer callback invocation are treated as duplicates of each other, where the last call to Observe() wins.

Based on the Last Value relationship, we can ask and answer questions such as "what is the average last value of a metric at a point in time?". Observer instruments define the Last Value relationship without referring to the collection interval and without ambiguity.

Last-value and Measure instruments

Measure instruments do not define a Last Value relationship. One reason is that synchronous events can happen simultaneously.

For Measure instruments, it is possible to compute an aggregation that computes the last-captured value in a collection interval, but it is potentially not unique and the result will vary depending on the timing of the collection interval. For example, a synchronous metric event that last took place one minute ago will appear as the last value for collection intervals one minute or longer, but the last value will be undefined if the collection interval is shorter than one minute.

Aggregating changes to a sum: Rate calculation

The former Monotonic option had been introduced in order to support reporting of a current sum, such that a rate calculation is implied. Here we defined Rate as an aggregation, defined for a subset of instruments, that may be calculated differently depending on how the instrument is defined. The rate aggregation outputs the amount of change in a quantity divided by the amount of change in time.

A rate can be computed from values that are reported as differences, referred to as delta reporting here, or as sums, referred to as cumulative reporting here. The primary goal of the instrument refinements introduced in this proposal is to facilitate rate calculations in more than one way.

When delta reporting, a rate is calculated by summing individual measurements or observations. When cumulative reporting, a rate is calculated by computing a difference between individual values.

Note that cumulative-reported metric data requires special treatment of the time dimension when computing rates. When aggregating across the time dimension, the difference should be computed. When aggregating across spatial dimensions, the sum should be computed.

Standard implementation of Measure and Observer

OpenTelemetry specifies how the default SDK should treat metric events, by default, when asked to export data from an instrument. Measure and Observer instruments compute Sum and Count aggregations, by default, in the standard implementation. This pair of measurements, of course, defines an average value. There are no restrictions placed on the numerical value in an event for the two foundational instruments.

Refinements to Measure and Observer

The Monotonic and Absolute options were removed in the 0.3 specification. Here, we propose to regain the equivalent effects through instrument refinements. Instrument refinements are added to the foundational instruments, yielding new instruments with the same calling patterns as the foundational instrument they refine. These refinements support adding either a different standard implementation or a restriction of the input domain to the instrument.

We have done away with instrument options, in other words, in favor of optional metric instruments. Here we discuss four significant instrument refinements.


For some instruments, such as those that measure real quantities, negative values are meaningless. For example, it is impossible for a person to weigh a negative amount.

A non-negative instrument refinement accepts only non-negative values. For instruments with this property, negative values are considered measurement errors. Both Measure and Observer instruments support non-negative refinements.


A sum-only instrument is one where only the sum is considered to be of interest. For a sum-only instrument refinement, we have a semantic property that two events with numeric values M and N are semantically equivalent to a single event with value M+N. For example, in a sum-only count of users arriving by bus to an event, we are not concerned with the number of buses that arrived.

A sum-only instrument is one where the number of events is not counted, only the Sum. A key property of sum-only instruments is that they always support a Rate aggregation, whether reporting delta- or cumulative-values. Both Measure and Observer instruments support sum-only refinements.


A precomputed-sum refinement indicates that values reported through an instrument are observed or measured in terms of a sum that changes over time. Pre-computed sum instruments support cumulative reporting, meaning the rate aggregation is defined by computing a difference across timestamps or collection intervals.

A precomputed sum refinement implies a sum-only refinement. Note that values associated with a precomputed sum are still sums. Precomputed sum values are combined using addition, when aggregating over the spatial dimensions; only the time dimension receives special treatment.


A non-negative-rate instrument refinement states that rate aggregation produces only non-negative results. There are non-negative-rate cases of interest for delta reporting and cumulative reporting, as follows.

For delta reporting, any non-negative and sum-only instrument is also a non-negative-rate instrument.

For cumulative reporting, a sum-only and pre-computed sum instrument does not necessarily have a non-negative rate, but adding an explicit non-negative-rate refinement makes it the equivalent of Monotonic in the 0.2 specification.

For example, the CPU time used by a process, as read in successive collection intervals, cannot change by a negative amount, because it is impossible to use a negative amount of CPU time. CPU time a typical value to report through an Observer instrument, so the rate for a specific set of labels is defined by subtracting the prior observation from the current observation. Using a non-negative-rate refinement asserts that the values increases by a non-negative amount on subsequent collection intervals.

Discussion: Additive vs. Non-Additive numbers

The refinements proposed above may leave us wondering about the distinction between an unrefined Measure and the UpDownCumulativeCounter. Both values are unrestricted, in terms of range, so why should they be treated differently?

The UpDownCumulativeCounter has sum-only and precomputed-sum refinements, which indicate that the numbers being observed are the result of addition. These instruments have the additive property that observing N and M separately is equivalent to observing N+M. When performing spatial aggregation over data with these additive properties, it is natural to compute the sum.

When performing spatial aggregation over data without additive properties, it is natural to combine the distributions. The distinction is about how we interpret the values when aggregating. Use one of the sum-only refinments to report a sum in the default configuration, otherwise use one of the non-sum-only instruments to report a distribution.

Language-level refinements

OpenTelemetry implementations may wish to add instrument refinements to accommodate built-in types. Languages with distinct integer and floating point should offer instrument refinements for each, leading to type names like Int64Measure and Float64Measure.

A language with support for unsigned integer types may wish to create dedicated instruments to report these values, leading to type names like UnsignedInt64Observer and UnsignedFloat64Observer. These would naturally apply a non-negative refinment.

Other uses for built-in type refinements involve the type for duration measurements. For example, where there is built-in type for the difference between two clock measurements, OpenTelemetry APIs should offer a refinement to automatically apply the correct unit of time to the measurement.

Counter refinement

Counter is a sum-only, non-negative, thus non-negative-rate refinement of the Measure instrument.

Standardizing new instruments

With these refinements we can exhaustively list each distinct kind of instrument. There are a total of twelve hypothetical instruments listed in the table below, of which only one has been standardized. Hypothetical future instrument names are italicized.

Foundation instrument Sum-only? Precomputed-sum? Non-negative? Non-negative-rate? Instrument name (hyptothetical)
Measure sum-only non-negative non-negative-rate Counter
Measure sum-only precomputed-sum non-negative-rate CumulativeCounter
Measure sum-only UpDownCounter
Measure sum-only precomputed-sum UpDownCumulativeCounter
Measure non-negative AbsoluteDistribution
Measure Distribution
Observer sum-only non-negative non-negative-rate DeltaObserver
Observer sum-only precomputed-sum non-negative-rate CumulativeObserver
Observer sum-only UpDownDeltaObserver
Observer sum-only precomputed-sum UpDownCumulativeObserver
Observer non-negative AbsoluteLastValueObserver
Observer LastValueObserver

To arrive at this listing, several assumptions have been made. For example, the precomputed-sum and non-negative-rate refeinments are only applicable in conjunction with a sum-only refinement.

For the precomputed-sum instruments, we technically do not care whether the inputs are non-negative, because rate aggregation computes differences. However, it is useful for other aggregations to assume that precomputed sums start at zero, and we will ignore the case where a precomputed sum has an initial value other than zero.

Gauge instrument

A Measure instrument with a default Last Value aggregation could be defined, hypothetically named a Gauge instrument. This would offer convenience for users that want this behavior, for there is otherwise no standard Measure refinement with Last Value aggregation.

Sum-only uses for this hypothetical instrument should instead use either CumulativeCounter or UpDownCumulativeCounter, since they are reporting a sum. This (hypothetical) Gauge instrument would be useful when a value is time-dependent and the average value is not of interest.

Internal details

This is a change of understanding. It does not request any new instruments be created or APIs be changed, but it does specify how we should think about adding new instruments.

No API changes are called for in this proposal.

Translation into well-known systems


The Prometheus system defines four kinds of synchronous metric instrument.

System Metric Kind Operation Aggregation Notes
Prometheus Counter Inc() Sum Sum of positive deltas
Prometheus Counter Add() Sum Sum of positive deltas
Prometheus Gauge Set() Last Value Non-additive or monotonic cumulative
Prometheus Gauge Inc()/Dec() Sum Sum of deltas
Prometheus Gauge Add()/Sub() Sum Sum of deltas
Prometheus Histogram Observe() Histogram Non-negative values
Prometheus Summary Observe() Summary Aggregation does not merge

Note that the Prometheus Gauge supports five methods (Set, Inc, Dec, Add, and Sub), one which sets the last value while the others modify the last value. This interface is not compatible with OpenTelemetry, because it requires the SDK to maintain long-lived state about Gauge values in order to compute the last value following one of the additive methods (Inc, Dec, Add, and Sub).

If we restrict Prometheus Gauges to support only a Set method, or to support only the additive methods, then we can model these two instruments seprately, in a way that is compatible with OpenTelemetry. A Prometheus Gauge that is used exclusively with Set() can be modeled as a Measure instrument with Last Value aggregation. A Prometheus Gauge that is used exclusively with the additive methods be modeled as a UpDownCounter

Prometheus has support for asynchronous reporting via the "Collector" interface, but this is a low-level API to support directly exporting encoded metric data. The Prometheus "Collector" interface could be used to implement Observer-like instruments, but they are not natively supported in Prometheus.


The Statsd system supports only synchronous reporting.

System Metric Event Operation Aggregation Notes
Statsd Count Count() Sum Sum of deltas
Statsd Gauge Gauge() Last Value
Statsd Histogram Histogram() Histogram
Statsd Distribution Distribution() Not specified A distribution summary
Statsd Timing Timing() Not specified Non-negative, distribution summary, Millisecond units
Statsd Set Set() Cardinality Unique value count

The Statsd Count operation translates into either a Counter, if increments are non-negative, or an UpDownCounter if values may be negative. The Statsd Gauge operation translates into a Measure instrument configured with Last Value aggregation.

The Histogram, Distribution, and Timing operations are semantically identical, but have different units and default behavior in statsd systems. Each of these distribution-valued instruments can be replaced using a Measure with a distribution-valued aggregation such as MinMaxSumCount, Histogram, Exact, or Summary.

The Set operation does not have a direct replacement in OpenTelemetry, however one can be constructed using a Measure or Observer instrument and a dummy value. Each distinct label set is naturally output each collection interval, whether reported synchronously or asynchronously, so the set size can be computed by using a metric label as the unique element and no aggregation operator.


The OpenCensus system defines three kinds of instrument:

System Metric Kind Operation Aggregation Notes
OpenCensus Cumulative Inc() Sum Positive deltas
OpenCensus Gauge Set() LastValue
OpenCensus Gauge Add() Sum Deltas
OpenCensus Raw-Stats Record() Sum, Count, Mean, or Distribution

OpenCensus departed from convention with the introduction of a Views API, which makes it possible to support fewer kinds of instrument directly, since they can be configured in multiple ways.

Like Prometheus, the combination of multiple APIs in the Gauge instrument is not compatible with OpenTelemetry. A Gauge used with Set() generally implies last-value aggregation, whereas a Gauge used with Add() is additive and uses Sum aggregation.

Raw statstistics can be aggregated using any aggregation, and all the OpenCensus aggregations have equivalents in OpenTelemetry.

OpenCensus supported callback-oriented asynchronous forms of both Cumulative and Gauge instruments. An asynchronous Cumulative instrument would be replaced by a CumulativeObserver in OpenTelemetry. An asynchronous Last-value Gauge would be replaced by AbsoluteObserver or just the unrestricted Observer. An asynchronous Additive Gauge would be replaced by a DeltaObserver.

Sample Proposal

The the information above will be used to propose a set of refinements for both synchronous and asynchronous instruments in a follow-on OTEP. What follows is a sample of the forthcoming proposal, to motivate the discussion here.

Synchronous instruments

The foundational Measure instrument without refinements or restrictions will be called a Distribution instrument.

Along with Counter and Distribution, we recognize several less-common but still important cases and reasons why they should be standardized:

  • UpDownCounter: Support Prometheus additive Gauge instrument use
  • Timing: Support Prometheus and Statsd timing measurements.

Instruments that are not standardized but may be in the future (and why):

  • CumulativeCounter: Support a synchronous monotonic cumulative instrument
  • AbsoluteDistribution: Support non-negative valued distributions

Instruments that are probably not seen as widely useful:

  • UpDownCumulativeCounter: We believe this is better handled asynchronously.

Observer instruments

The foundational Observer instrument without refinements or restrictions shall be called a LastValueObserver instrument.

We have identified important cases that should be standardized:

  • CumulativeObserver: Support a cumulative monotone counter
  • DeltaObserver: Support an asynchronous delta counter.

Observer refinements that could be standardized in the future:

  • UpDownCumulativeObserver: Observe a non-monotonic cumluative counter
  • UpDownDeltaObserver: Observe positive and negative deltas
  • AbsoluteLastValueObserver: Observe non-negative current values.

Example: Observer aggregation

Suppose you wish to capture the CPU usage of a process broken down by the CPU core ID. The operating system provides a mechanism to read the current usage from the /proc file system, which will be reported once per collection interval using an Observer instrument. Because this is a precomputed sum with a non-negative rate, use a CumulativeObserver to report this quantity with a metric label indicating the CPU core ID.

It will be common to compute a rate of CPU usage over this data. The rate can be calculated for an individual CPU core by computing a difference between the value of two metric events. To compute the aggregate rate across all cores–a spatial aggregation–these differences are added together.

Open Questions

Are there still questions surrounding the former Monotonic refinement?

Should the CumulativeObserver instrument be named MonotonicObserver? In this proposal, we prefer Cumulative and UpDownCumulative. Cumulative is a good descriptive term in this setting (i.e., some additive values are cumulative, some are delta). Being Cumulative and not UpDownCumulative implies monotonicity in this proposal.

For synchronous instruments, this proposals does not standardize CumulativeCounter. Such an instrument might be named MonotonicCounter.

Trade-offs and mitigations

The trade-off explicitly introduced here is that we should prefer to create new instrument refinements, each for a dedicated purpose, rather than create generic instruments with support for multiple semantic options.

Prior art and alternatives

The optional behaviors Monotonic and Absolute were first discussed in the August 2019 Metrics working group meeting.

Future possibilities

A future OTEP will request the introduction of two standard refinements for the 0.4 API specification. This will be the CumulativeObserver instrument described above plus a synchronous timing instrument named TimingMeasure that is equivalent to AbsoluteMeasure with the correct unit and a language-specific duration type for measuring time.

If the above open question is decided in favor of treating the foundational instruments as abstract, instrument names like NonAbsoluteMeasure and NonAbsoluteCounter will need to be standardized.