Matomo is the web analytics platform.
Available at:
You must have a user account to access it (hopefully !). Ask for an admin to create you an account if you need it (Beware, there are personal information in the sense of GDPR like ip addresses). Ask for it to contact email.
- nginx is used as a HTTP frontend
- php7.3-fpm run the matomo software
- mariadb is the main database for matomo, some configurations are made for performance (see
) - redis is used to fast track matomo requests (see Matomo setup for performance, below)
- different systemd timer takes care of putting tracking from redis to mariadb and to consolidate archive reports (see Matomo setup for performance, below)
- prometheus exporters are installed for nginx and mysql (see Prometheus exporters, below)
Most of those systemd services should email on failures.
Important configuration files are linked to this git repository (see using git, below)
You can setup alerts in matomo. In personal alerts.
We have setup alerts for main website and app if there are 0 visits.
Because of Queue id should try to be more random #231 and Set a random visitor ID at each requests instead of using 0000000… for anonymous analytics
until enough mobile app are deployed, I manually patched plugins/QueuedTracking/Queue/Manager.php
protected function getQueueIdForVisitor($visitorId)
# 2024-03-08 patch from ALEX
if ($visitorId === '0000000000000000') {
$visitorId = chr(rand(ord('a'), ord('z')));
$visitorId = strtolower(substr($visitorId, 0, 1));
And also as our instance was having a hard time coping with all requests,
in plugins/QueuedTracking/Queue/Processor.php
private function extendLockExpireToMakeSureWeCanProcessARequestSet(RequestSet $requestSet)
// 2 seconds per tracking request should give it enough time to process it
// 2024-03-15 ALEX try 15 s per requests instead of 2s
$ttl = $requestSet->getNumberOfRequests() * 150;
$ttl = max($ttl, 30); // lock for at least 30 seconds
return $this->queueManager->expireLock($ttl);
- goto manage / websites and add a website
To be GDPR compliant (and user friendly) 1:
- in your Matomo Tag, you can check the option « Disable cookies » which will disable all first party tracking cookies for Matomo. 2
- To ensure that you do not store the visitor IP, which is Personally Identifiable Information (PII), please go to Administration > Privacy > Anonimyze data, to enable IP anonymization, and check you have 2 bytes or 3 bytes masked from the IP address. 3
We use the $google_analytics
variable in config to add the javascript snippet for Matomo.
See also Install log and 2023-12-11 Matomo down
We use git to track some important configurations files in this repository.
The repository is checked out in /opt/openfoodfacts-infrastructure and specific /etc
configurations files are symlinked there (see confs/matomo
We setup matomo for performance (our websites requires it) with two main points:
it does not process archives on incoming requests but instead on a systemd timer (see
). See also official doc. -
on incoming update request (on a tracked website being visited), it does not immediately updates the database but goes in redis instead, we configured it with 8 queues. then are systemd timers jobs to process redis entries every minute (see
). And we have an instance 0, 1, 2,… 7, to process each queue. See also official doc -
has been tuned a bit toward performance (using more memory) see/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/90-off-configs.cnf
(linked to this repositoryconfs/matomo/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/90-off-configs.cnf
)- we also tried to avoid "2006 MySQL server has gone away" following
Archiving is splet in more than one systemctl timer / service, by using
which correspond to different options it/etc/matomo/archive-<name>.env
, so that:- there is one archiver specialized for the website
- one specialized for the mobile app
- one for all the other websites
( all this thanks to
Both tracking and archiving logs to /var/log/matomo
See also 2023-12-11 Matomo down
Nginx prometheus exporter is installed and needs the stub_status site, which exposes nginx metrics.
Mysql server prometheus exporter is installed (for MariaDB), its /etc/default
configuration file sets the connection string.
The corresponding mysql user had to be manually created (instrutions in the config file).
read this whole section before anything
We use the web administration to update the software.
Always do a snapshot before updating.
IMPORTANT: after an upgrade, you must re-apply the temporary patches, you need root access to the server to do that.
Setup /var/www/html/matomo/robots.txt
as is:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
You first have to see if the request made by a browser to matomo returns a
204 No Content
response (use the network panel of developer tools).Also verify that the site_id is correct.
If it's ok but you don't see the visit, you may look at real time visits of your website. If there is no data it may means the tracking jobs are not running correctly.
You can log on the server and use
mysql matomo_db
to look at the database, in particularmatomo_log_visit
table contains visit logs.Beware that it's a huge table, try to limit your query with something like
WHERE idsite=5 AND visit_last_action_time > '2024-01-16'
You can also see section below How to monitor tracking jobs.
incomplete graph might also come from archive processing. Sometimes, in this case, scaling down to days might show you right results, whereas you get incomplete result at the week or month level.
When a request arrive, it is logged into redis. We then have matomo-tracking systemd services to process the redis queue.
To see status:
# see jobs status
systemctl status matomo-tracking@{1..3}.service
# see timers status
systemctl status matomo-tracking@{1..3}.timer
Matomo also offers some commands to follow the status of the tracking jobs:
cd /var/www/html/matomo
./console queuedtracking:monitor
# you might also look at lock status
./console queuedtracking:lock-status
use --help
for more options.
Logs are in /var/log/matomo
To see status:
# see jobs status
systemctl status matomo-archive@{main,2,5}.service
# see timers status
systemctl status matomo-archive@{main,2,5}.timer
Logs are in /var/log/matomo
can help see informations about tables.
Use it with YYYY_MM
cd /var/www/html/matomo
./console diagnostics:analyze-archive-table 2023_12
can optimize tables if needed. Do it on old tables that are not moving any more. Use with a YYYY-MM-DD
./console database:optimize-archive-table 2023-12-01
For example I wanted to determine if we support async in CliMulti (used by core::archive
The important thing is to go in the right directory and include the console
cd /var/www/html/matomo/
php -a
php > include "console";
php > use Piwik\CliMulti\Process;
php > echo Piwik\CliMulti\Process::isSupported();
php > use Piwik\CliMulti;
php > $p = new Piwik\CliMulti();
php > echo $p->supportsAsync();