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Chenna Kautilya hashb
I like robots.

San Francisco , CA

Pollob Chandra Ray PollobRay
Department of CSE, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur

Dhaka, Bangladesh

PC PeterCalifano
PhD student in Aerospace Engineering - DARTLab, Politecnico di Milano, intersecting SLAM, Computer Vision, spacecraft navigation and ML =D

Politecnico di Milano - DART Lab Milan, Italy

DavidePerico daviperry
Space Engineer | PHD Student Aerospace Engineering @POLIMI

DART Group | Department of Aerospace Science and Technologies DART Lab

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Teodoro Baldazzi TeodoroBaldazzi
Sr. Research Engineer @ Prometheux | Doctoral Researcher @ ART Unit, Banca d'Italia | Ph.D. Student @ Università Roma Tre

Rome, Italy

追不闻名的星 VocabVictor

南京大学 中国江苏省南京市栖霞区仙林大道

Gustavo Rezende Rezenders
PhD candidate at TUDelft

Delft, Netherlands.

Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc

Komol78 Komol78
Hi, I'm Komol, a frontend web developer & a SQA Engineer. Passionate about clean code and SOLID Principles.

Online Dhaka, Bangladesh

Yan(Mathilda) SUN yan-sun-x
😄 Hi, I am a second-year PhD candidate @ NUS! 🔥 Dept: Information Systems and Analytics, School of Computing

National University of Singapore Singapore

Seweryn xsk07
Computer Science MSc Student


XIE HUSTjohnney
a Phd. student in Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and technology China

Luca Barbaro l2brb
PhD Student at Sapienza University of Rome in Computer Science. My research interests in­clude Process mining, AI, and Blockchain Technologies

Sapienza University of Rome Rome

Dillon Chen DillonZChen
Man Proposes, God Disposes

Christmas Island, Australia

Hamda HamdaHmida
PhD candidate at CEMEF Mines Paris. Ex-@airbus AI Research Team member.

Mines Paris PSL Nice, France

Vasileios Vasilopoulos vvasilo
Principal Software Engineer, Manipulation Lead - Ghost Robotics

Philadelphia, PA

David Paulius (Ramos) davidpaulius
A roboticist from the Caribbean 🦾🏝

Brown University Earth?

Tung sontungexpt

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Wil Thomason wbthomason
Roboticist/research scientist at @bdaiinstitute. aka @wthomason-bdai

@bdaiinstitute Cambridge, MA, USA

Caelan Garrett caelan
Research Scientist at NVIDIA's Seattle Robotics Lab

NVIDIA Research Seattle, WA

Sahruday saahu27
Passionate about Physics & Math and Games. everything else is a byproduct.

NIST College Park

Jonas Cristens jonascristens

McKinsey & Company Brussels

Lucy H lhao03
computer science and chemistry at @ubc
Abhishek Verma abhi460729
Engineer - Data Science and Core Engineering

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Sohan Rudra rudrasohan

TU Darmstadt Darmstadt

Hayden Jenkins hjenkins04
Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in software design at Queen's University. Experienced in software development t
Pierrick lorangpi
Ph.D. Student at Tufts University (Medford - US) and the Austrian Institute of Technology (Vienna - Austria). AI for open-world Robotics.

Vienna - Boston

Lakshay Sagar Rana lakshaytalkstomachines
Full Stack Engineer with Machine Learning in toolkit. Into Science, Art, Machines.