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Rob Navarro RobBEN93
Quantum Information Enthusiast
Leigh Johnson leigh-johnson
PrintNanny. Bitsy AI Labs. Google Developer Expert, Machine Learning.

San Francisco

Alexandre Dpbm
Hi, I'm Alexandre Aka Dpbm. I'm a Brazilian developer. In love with quantum computers 😍


Rajat Mahesh Gupta raj978
Code with purpose, commit with passion.
Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Taeyoon Kim C-Gongja
Software Engineer                Computer Science B.A.
John Long johnzl-777
Scientific Software Developer @QuEraComputing

QuEra Computing Inc. Boston, Massachusetts


SF Bay Area

Simon Savitt simonsavitt
Physics BS interested in quantum information and graphics programming. OCD advocate.

United States