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Moise Rushanika moise10r
I'm a Software Developer. Technologies: Javascript, Typescript, React, Next, Vuejs, Nodejs, Express, Nestjs, RabbitMq, Python, Docker, Ngnix etc...

software developer at Labvanced Berlin, Germany

Ilia Ross iliajie
"What is done in love is well done."

@webmin @virtualmin Limassol, Cyprus

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Mak110 03Abraham
Full-Stack Developper , UI/UX Designer ... Prompt Engineering
Marc Laporte marclaporte
WikiSuite founder: While Wikipedia is the broadest unified body of knowledge, WikiSuite is the most comprehensive and integrated Open Source enterprise solution

WikiSuite Montréal, Québec, Canada

Joel Lusavuvu enigma972
Software Engineer and Tech lover ❤

Lussi Kinshasa, RDCongo

Max Fuxjäger MaxValue
I am moving to GitLab. No time for a data-hating code-sharing platform.

Vienna, Austria

Excellence KAWEJ ethanpyth
i'm a mobile developper, backend developper and passionnate about data-science, AI with python and some other technology

@Tulivia-SARL Lubumbashi

Fabián Díaz fabaindaiz
Compilers | Backend | DevOps


Marien Mupenda MarienMupenda
Software Developer with @php | @laravel | @java | @springboot |@docker | Open for new opportunities 🎯

SmirlTech Lubumbashi

Andrew DalPino andrewdalpino

@RubixML United States