Moise Rushanika
I'm a Software Developer. Technologies: Javascript, Typescript, React, Next, Vuejs, Nodejs, Express, Nestjs, RabbitMq, Python, Docker, Ngnix etc...
software developer at Labvanced Berlin, Germany
Nick Liebmann
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own
Santa Clarita, CA
Marc Laporte
WikiSuite founder: While Wikipedia is the broadest unified body of knowledge, WikiSuite is the most comprehensive and integrated Open Source enterprise solution
WikiSuite Montréal, Québec, Canada
Max Fuxjäger
I am moving to GitLab. No time for a data-hating code-sharing platform.
Vienna, Austria
Excellence KAWEJ
i'm a mobile developper, backend developper and passionnate about data-science, AI with python and some other technology
@Tulivia-SARL Lubumbashi
Marien Mupenda
Software Developer with @php | @laravel | @java | @springboot |@docker | Open for new opportunities 🎯
SmirlTech Lubumbashi