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Kamil Smaś kam773
Software Developer

Patchstack Poland

Martin Coll colltoaction
Let's rethink computing


Daniel Naranjo danielnaranjo
Full Stack Web Developer (Personal profile)


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Kastriot Çunaku kastriotcunaku

@kascode-net @poviolabs Vienna, Austria

Indiana Lozano IndianaLozano
Information Systems Engineering Student

Santa Fe, Argentina

Andres Alcaraz Andres2D
Software Engineer $ git push

Toronto, Canada

Lucas Fozzatti lucasfozzatti
I am a 4rd year computer engineering student and as such I have acquired knowledge in different technologies and programming languages.
Leo G. Romero leoromero97
Entrepreneur, Front End Developer web and mobile, Digital Brand Designer and UX/UI Designer. Passionate about technology and give solutions ❤️


Dorian Alvarado Dorian30

@urbansportsclub Germany

Juan Camilo Morales moralesbang
Frontend Engineer

Medellín, Colombia

Esteban Indiveri EstebanIndiveri
Developer Full Stack UX/UI Designer

Raven Córdoba, Argentina

Juan Martín Gordo jgordowolox
Personal account: @gordojm

Wolox Argentina

Joaquin Miguens joacomiguens
Software Developer - Angular | React
Cristian Vega CrisVega08

Wolox Medellin - Colombia

David Rojas Herrera DavidRojas1612
Frontend Engineer Professional Speedcuber

@somosmkn Medellín

Alejandro Gallego Wale96
QA Automation

@Wolox Medellín, Colombia

Juan Martín Gordo gordojm
Software developer currently making iOS apps @ Brubank, formerly @Wolox. For more contributions: @jgordowolox

Brubank Argentina

Mobile application developer with more than 10 years of experience. Am iOS Team Lead from Bogotá. @Wolox part of Accenture. I love mobile development and playin

@Wolox Colombia

Luciano Zemin zeminlu
Musician 🎶, Drummer 🥁, Singer 🎤, Software Engineer 👨‍🔧, Co-Founder @Wolox 👨‍💻, Professor 👨‍🏫 & Ph.D. candidate 🤓

@Wolox Buenos Aires, Argentina