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Imanuel Revo Admojo F-777
UI Designer & Front End Developer

SMK Negeri 4 Malang | Dipa Inhouse Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Jack Robertson JackCrawfordRobertson
Hi, I'm Jack, an information designer who explores how storytelling and narrative can examine complex systems!


Sonny Thomas sonny-thomas
Python software consultant, AI agent consultant

freelance, @upwork Chelmsford, United Kingdom

Paul Tucker PaulDavidTucker
Third year Comp. Sci @QMUL, Junior SWE at the @bbc. Building useless projects one commit at a time.

BBC London

Paul Thompson DavidPaulThompson
TV Studios Systems Specialist Engineer

BBC London

Krystina Shveda krystinashveda
Data journalist and entrepreneur based in London

London, UK

Axel Boberg axelboberg
WWDC18 Scholarship Winner | Developing software for public service television

@SVT Stockholm, Sweden

David DavidTDC3377
Human on planet earth. // @DavidStudios

@DavidStudios United Kingdom

Ayodeji Owonipa owonipaa
Data Engineer

BBC World Service London

Ethan LaserBread
I'm a CS student aspiring to be a game developer (but I have some backup plans). I'm a massive fan of various games and stories.

The Autism Spectrum

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mariana marirev
Product lead for Personalisation & Discovery, at scale. Customer obsessed. Data-led. Team First.


Ahmed M. Atia ahmedatia
Husband. Father. Software Craftsman.

NEOM Egypt

unsimp un-simp

Amphe Co /home/un!

Shane shanemccarty
Community Health Researcher
James Brown jmaitlandb
Software Engineer @ BBC
Katrina Merca merca3
Web / React / Front-End developer in progress, "She Goes Tech" graduate

Accenture Baltics Latvia

George Kazami oldking139
Beyond azure, where we met together.

KAZAMI TECH 風見科技 United Kindom

Boyd Fields boydfields

Hertfordshire, England

Dianne Yumol yumoldianne
Applied mathematics - specialization in data science, urban infrastructure and data 🛤️
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Noel Alejandro Gutierrez noelalejandro
Acoustics, Audio Programming, Digital Signal Processing


Prk imPrk0
Web backend programmer

@PrkStudio @QingLite @meowsrv LA

Jimmy Pudussery jimmypudussery
Here to learn. No formal background in programming. But, love to tinker, and learn. Invert, always Invert!