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Michael Paulukonis MichaelPaulukonis
Full-stack Software Engineer skilled in C# and Nodejs. Loves to play with words and letters and code that plays with words and letters.

Framingham, MA

pierre pierrextardif
creative coder

freelance London

Joel Gethin Lewis JGL
I am an interaction designer and lecturer @ual-cci. I research solar-powered computing, the history of weaving and global scale augmented reality sculpture.


PUSHBA SHRI G shrig0620
I'm Final Year Passionate BSc Computer Science Student


pinky busypink
i only do what i think is fun
Rodrigo Tello rodrigotellom
Designer Product Designer @tailscale Chief Imagination Officer @gethopscotch

Brooklyn, NY

Ashkan Radnia ashkanrdn
Application Developer | Computational Designer

HoK Brooklyn, NY

Ethan Priest allyouaskfor
I like this place.

Foothills, Alberta, Canada

Anastasia Shadrina verekare
👉 👈

Belgrade, Serbia

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

design + code


sane 7sne
I make things move

Warsaw, Poland

Poom Yimyuean lebrancconvas
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.

Work from Any Workplace {"Thailand": ["Bangkok", "Surat Thani"]}

木下貴博 99letters
Build ideas for experiences / takahiro kinoshita


Aaditya Ansh ADItya0367
E-Cell IIT Kharagpur | Tech enthusiast | DSA | C++ | Full Stack | Leetcode @ 250+ | Founder @CODEPECT
Lena HelloXiuXiu
front-end developer and web designer

Belgrade, Serbia

Milan G milangress
Currently @ Sandberg Instituut


Tim Rodenbröker timrodenbroeker
creative coding = unexplored territories


Yi Zhe Ang yizhe-ang
@scmp-graphics AI, Interfaces, Data Visualization, Visual Storytelling 🖲️

South China Morning Post Singapore

satya satyaborg
emergence at scale

Pale blue dot

Pyotr Goloub woshibide
cross disciplinary designer by day recreational programmer by night

Den Haag

Tomasz Kudlej tomaszkudlej
delivering the message

Radkurier Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, GER

Lennie Budgell Bedrovelsen
Security Researcher & Software Developer **** Maths/AI/Crypto/Infosec/Music

OKOK Services Seoul, South Korea

Andrew f3d0t
js/ts dev

Planet Earth

Erik Peralta Løvaas erikpl

Universität des Saarlandes Saarbrücken

Anton Hildingsson palmdrop
Swedish developer, generative artist, writer.
