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yibie yibie
Someone that loves Emacs, but he isn't a type of coder.
Shouran MA OChicken
A PhD student at LTH Lund

LTH Lund Lund, Sweden

Anas Abbas ansi00
MERN Stack Developer || Frontend Developer || Crafting Expressive Web Solutions with React || Node.js || Express || MongoDB
Hung Nguyen spideynolove
Data Engineering Specialist

Keep calm and love data Hanoi

Davide Mirante DavideMirante
Hi, I'm Dave. I'm a Code Combat player and really want to increase my coding skills.
YAMAGUCHI Seiji valda
Just a Programmer.

Heartland Inc. Osaka, Japan

Dmitry Mylh mylh
Entrepreneur, programmer, music lover and father.

Valencia, Spain

Erik Martin-Dorel erikmd
Maître de Conférences en Informatique (IRIT/UT3)

Lab. IRIT, Univ. Toulouse Toulouse, France

Pranav Gajjewar pranav-paypay
Tech Lead @ Paypay


William Flynn wdflynn

@Yesware @vendasta Boston, MA

Sem SemyonSinchenko
Data Engineer

Belgrade, Serbia

Georg Alberding galberding

Universität Bielefeld


Kyoto, Japan

Ousmane Wilane wilane

Independent developer Dakar, Senegal

Sangwoo Joh sangwoo-joh

Samsung Research London, UK

Richard Mlambuzi RichardMulambuzi
University of Malawi student pursuing Education in Computer Science

University of Malawi Zomba

Andrew Braunstein awbraunstein
Building things at @openai Previously Covariant, @google / @youtube

@OpenAI Oakland

yorisilo yorisilo
💗:🍣 🍖 🚲 🎸 🎵 📕 🎦
Charlie Baker chiply

New York, New York

Jason TIAN jsntn


Witoslaw Koczewski witek

Frankenburg Softwaretechnik Germany

LinChen linchen2chris

@Thoughtworks ChengDu

Software Engineer


Thys Meintjes sthysel
The daily doomer

Perth, WA

cryptolake cryptolake


Jacob Walchuk yaqubroli

St. Andrews, Scotland

Johnny Sigman jsigman
Principal AI/ML Applied Scientist, former postdoc (ML) at Duke. Electrical Engineering PhD completed at Dartmouth College, 2017. Love emacs

Duke University Durham, NC

Troy Rosenberg tmr08c

Raleigh, North Carolina

Ji-Haeng Huh jhhuh
i am the one who knocks