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Sophia Chang soramicha
Heya, I'm a third year computer science major at Cal Poly.


Kasey Liu kaseyliu
Hi! I'm Kasey, a Computer Science Student at Cal Poly SLO. I'm interested in web development, AI, and computer security. Feel free to contact me!
Taiki Jeffers taikimorita
Hi I'm Taiki, I like coding. I'm trying to learn Java. I use Mint btw.

Northeast USA

George Nikolaidis dev-george-nikolaidis
Passionate about development. Always learning, always growing. 🚀

Baden Bei Wien

James T jam-kt
Cal Poly CPE 3rd year
Luke Lyu upluke
React, Javascript, CSS

San Francisco

Luke Waltz lukewaltz
3rd year Computer Science major at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA

Jason Jelincic SilveerDusk
I'm a third year computer science major, concentrating in Artificial Intelligence, with a minor in Chinese studying at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

Bay Area

Asarel Castellanos asarelcastellanos
On the side I work on @smcgrades & @Cal-Poly-SHPE. Previously @axioscode, @Snapchat

Los Angeles

Sophia sophsuan
CalPoly CS 23'
Swayam Chidrawar sway4em
Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things.

Calpoly San Luis Obispo

Bora borajoo
Cal Poly CS alum

San Diego

Eden Zimbelman zimeg
i like code, coffee, math, and music. open source engineer @slackapi

@slackapi San Francisco, CA