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Martin JM-creater
Software Developer

Alliance Software Inc. Cebu City

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Miranda xiruier
Computer Science Phd
Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

0xSimulacra 0xsimulacra
Solertia deest (nunc fere acquisita), sed vincit qui patitur; dum spiro, spero.


John Johnson johnrjj
currently: vibing

@0xProject @trader-xyz SF

V.O.T makluganteng
Hi, im a Software Engineer :) who loves to build and explore the technology space. Focus on blockchain research and building projects.


Vikash Choubey realchoubey
Helping build a data driven #web3 📊 📈

@dapplooker Bangalore

rust but verify
Kell (K42) CrystallineButterfly
Full-Stack Developer, Web3/Smart Contract Developer/Auditor. Solidity, Js, three.Js. Next.Js, HardHat, MEV 🤖 Open to Work, Hackathons, Web3 Gigs/Bounties 👽

Web3 Full Stack Developer. On the ledger

Smit Rajput smitrajput
guns & roses @aionera. Prev. @stealth_, @byte-breach, smart contracts @superform-xyz, @StakeDAO, web3 analysis/research @stake-capital@iiitv CS Graduate
Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

Danny O'Brien dannyob

Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web San Francisco

Bankless bankaholic
Bitcoin Maxi

Hakkunama Alaska

zachi.eth memoriaXII
Be private. Grow in silence.
vince vincedioquino
writer learning to code. research interests: visual and computational poetry, generative audio, speech synthesis, & machine learning applications.


ELIZA multi-agent framework, our AI CEO Eliza summons a dream team of AI personas that interact with each other and report back to us humans.

Ikigailabs XYZ 0x

Gökhan Turhan avalidurl
indie researcher, generalist

Bob Liu Akagi201
The quieter, the more!

@longcipher Global

Luka Radisavljevic Madjarx
Nothing smart to see here; Ethereum & DeFi | Vatam zjale

Belgrade, Serbia

Maxim popov-maksim

Stealth Saint Petersburg

Anh (Henry) Nguyen fool1280

@netflix College Station, TX, USA

Nathan Almond Nathan-a18
Blockchain Headhunter