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Laura Porta lauraporta
Research Software Engineer

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre London

Taylor Hodge jthodge
Bricoleur, Gardener

Los Angeles, CA

Elouan Grimm elouangrimm
Hey, I’m Elouan Grimm and I love messing around with tech 💻✨! I worked with @epimetheusgames and @TidyTabGroups, and I’m fluent in French 🇫🇷 and English!

@epimetheusgames, @tidytabgroups Cape Town, South Africa

Adrian Groh Gobidev
λf.(λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))

RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany

henrycunh henrycunh
nomething sew

meistrari rio

Oscar Cuatrecasas OCA99

Fermat Barcelona

Natalie Cuthbert ncthbrt
Graphics and Programming Language Development (and the intersection of the two) - 🏳️‍⚧️

Cape Town, South Africa

Maddy Guthridge MaddyGuthridge
Maybe the real adventure was the spaghetti code we made along the way

Course admin of COMP1010 at UNSW Sydney, Australia

Lu Wilson TodePond
slightly-surreal creative-coding

tldraw London, UK

Sven Svenlaa

Bandwerk Merkenbouwers OV, The Netherlands