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Valerii Cheban hipot
like web and like offline life

@hipot-studio Tiraspol

Mikhail Kobzarev mihdan
Senior software engineer, Web developer, PHP, WordPress ninja, Contributor to WordPress core, Elementor evangelist. Team Lead.

@KokocGroup @epam @whisklabs @wpl-agency @granatmedia Russia


@anitra-wildlife-tracking , @Microsoft Prague

Aleksei Gagarin roxblnfk
I ❤️ PHP and OpenSource.

Spiral Scout Batumi, Georgia

Theodore Brown theodorejb
Maintainer of Cropt, Trestable, PeachySQL, and es-cookie. It's better to take time to do things right, than to spend even more time later untangling a big mess.


Sergey Panteleev saundefined
PHP 8.2 Release Manager GPG: E609 13E4 DF20 9907 D8E3 0D96 659A 97C9 CF2A 795A

@php Yalova, Turkey | Yaroslavl, Russia

Thanh Trần ging-dev

@gingteam Việt Nam Tp. Thái Nguyên, Thái Nguyên

Kirill Nesmeyanov SerafimArts
Creator of @phplrt, @php-type-language and @railt . PHP Russia (part of Highload++) program committee member. Jedi of PHP and OpenSource (OSS) enthusiast

Bushsitting Games Moscow

Kay W. kayw-geek
No bug, no gain.

@RightCapitalHQ Beijing

Gaël Reyrol gaelreyrol
Fullstack & Ops, @42School 2013 alumni, looking for a new job

Lille, France

Siarhei Bautrukevich bautrukevich
Mentor for developers and Front-end engineer, with an understanding of fundamentals, fresh standards and instruments.