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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Assistant Professor, School of Mining Engineering, University of Tehran
Faizah Zawawi faizahzawawi
Geophysics | Geology | Machine Learning | Data Science | Python Programming
long wang longw0110
My name is long wang. I am master candidate in USTC, majoring in geophsysics. Research about ai for geophysics.

CHINA HeFei Province

Wallace Abreu abreuwallace
Electrical Engineering D.Sc @ COPPE/UFRJ. Signal Processing & Machine Learning, Audio & Speech.

Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Kajetan Chrapkiewicz kmch
Computational geophysics, environmental science, nuclear physics, machine learning, data visualisation.

Imperial College London United Kingdom

SIGAC UIS sigacuis
We are Computational and Applied Geophysics Group from Universidad Industrial de Santander. We like python, machine learning, geophysics and geology.

Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga, Santander

Raj Sahu rajsahu2004
A machine learning enthusiast who loves to visualize data and plot them. More interested in deep learning and hope to find solutions for real-life problems and


Wang Qinzhuo oimero
China University of Petroleum, Beijing/major in geophysics

China University of Petroleum, Beijing No.18, Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing 102249 Beijing, China

pansirui pansirui

Jilin University Changchun, China

Indrajit Dasgupta princeoflanka
Geophysicist, Coder, Lifelong Learner

Schlumberger India

Hoang Anh x-repos
PhD in Geophysics

Colorado School of Mines Colorado, US

Ray_Song RaySong513
Retired OI contestants ; Ability to use C++ proficiently ; Advocates of Open Source Software ; Reliable System Engineer, Backend Developer

China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Wuhan

Adrian Alvercy Perez Montejo alvercy
I study geology at the Industrial University of Santander (UIS) and I am a member of the Research Seedbed in Applied and Computational Geophysics (SIGAC).


Yangjun (Kevin) Liu yjliu212
Learning, Sharing, Researching, Communicating, with a goal to solve rock physics mysteries and geoscience puzzles. Got ideas? Contact me at: [email protected]


Zeshan Mubshir ZeshanMubashir
Master Student - ICT Simulation & Visualization

NTNU, Norway Alesund, Norway

Taner yılmaz taner45

1974 Turkey/Ankara

Solomon Jimba solonyi