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Vojta linhavo
Computer science student learning how to say things how to do things.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ing. Daniel Pátek dowl-air
Fullstack developer/Software engineer I live and code in Brno, Czechia.

Brno University of Technology Brno, Czechia

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Luis Jesús Díaz drconopoima
Methodic and proactive professional Software Engineer delivering secure and performant software and cloud infrastructure solutions, including automation,

@devoinc Madrid

Michal Chobola MajkCajk
iOS Developer


Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Teodor Janez Podobnik dorkamotorka
Software Developer with a focus on: Kubernetes, eBPF and Cloud ☁️

Prewave Ljubljana, Slovenia

Petr Liška strokie
Product Manager @seznam Prague

Georgee jirkamartinekk
Engineer student 📒 Frontend developer 👨‍💻 Backend developer from 0,000587% - still rising 😎
Roman Schulz romanschulz

Brno, Czech Republic

Arman Zhumanov armanpwnz
Frontend developer

Prague, Czech Republic

Filip Komárek filip2cz

Alef Nula a.s.,, @henshouse, @mccivilization, NTech, @Smichovska-SPS Prague

Anthony antoninvf
20 year old student learning C#, Java and web dev.

Prague, Czech Republic

Ilia Maksimenko AbesGUI
Data engineer with passion to data, a.s. Prague, Czechia

filipcima filipcima
Software developer

@seznam Ostrava

Michal Landsman landsman
{"bio": { "work": "ex-cto @graet; ex-cto @trisbee", "hobbies": " programming; sci-fi; rap; youngtimer cars; green-energy; linux; geek to the last byte!" }}

Prague, Czech Republic