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ownCloud Documentation UI

Build Status

The docs-ui repository is a custom version of the Antora Default UI, for the Antora version of the ownCloud documentation.

Table of Contents


If you want to make changes, create a "feature" branch off of master, make the required changes, and then create a Pull Request (PR) against the master branch. If the PR is accepted and merged, a new package file will be created and published to as part of the build pipeline.


To preview the UI changes or to create a local version of a, you need to install the following software on your computer.


First, make sure you have git installed.

git --version

If git is not installed, download and install the git package for your system.


Next, make sure that you have Node installed.

node --version

If this command fails with an error, you don't have Node installed. While you can install Node from the official packages, we strongly recommend that you use NVM (Node Version Manager) to install and manage Node.

Follow the NVM installation instructions to set up NVM on your machine. Once you've installed NVM, open a new terminal and install Node using the following command:

nvm ls-remote | grep "Latest LTS"

         v4.9.1   (Latest LTS: Argon)
        v6.17.1   (Latest LTS: Boron)
        v8.17.0   (Latest LTS: Carbon)
       v10.24.1   (Latest LTS: Dubnium)
      v12.22.12   (Latest LTS: Erbium)
       v14.21.3   (Latest LTS: Fermium)
       v16.20.2   (Latest LTS: Gallium)
       v18.20.4   (Latest LTS: Hydrogen)
       v20.18.1   (Latest LTS: Iron)
       v22.13.0   (Latest LTS: Jod)

Then install a suitable LTS version. You can install as many versions as you like or need, see example below.

nvm install 18.20.4

List the installed versions

nvm ls
->     v18.20.4
default -> 18.20.4 (-> v18.20.4)


Important: For docs, DO NOT use a version above v10.23.0 and below v14.17.0 as it may later conflict with other dependencies especially with the npm run preview command where you will get warnings and it may not work as expected.

Info: The backend to push to the web also uses node v16, see the file. It is recommended to stay with the same release if possible.

Switch to a specific installed version of Node at any time, use the following command:

nvm use 18.20.5

Important: If you have additional concurrent terminals open, you must close these terminals first and reopen them to use the new setup.

To make a particular Node version default in new terminals, type:

nvm alias default 18.20.5

Now that you have Node installed, you can proceed with installing the Gulp CLI and npm.

Install Dependencies

Finally, run the following command to install all dependencies:

npm install

Add Packages

If a new package needs to be added, type the following:

npm -i <package-name>

Prepared npm Commands

To see all prepared npm commands, run the following command npm run. This will output all commands with their settings, though this makes readability not easy. See the npm documentation for more information.

Here is the list of commands and when to use them:

  • npm run lint
    Lint the UI bundle definition
  • npm run bundle
    Generate a new file for local use
  • npm run preview
    Preview the bundle using the gulp. This previews a demo Antora build.


Preview Changes Using the ownCloud Documentation

If you want to preview your changes to the UI using the ownCloud documentation instead of demo content then you need to build a local copy of and use it when generating the ownCloud documentation in your local development machine.

  • First create a local with the command described above.
  • Then change into the respective documentation repository and run npm run antora-dev-bundle.
    See the Generating the Documentation description for more details.

Previewing Changes using a Demo Antora Build

The following example runs a demo Antora build (not ownCloud) for the documentation site which can be accessed on your local development machine at http://localhost:5252.

To view your changes as you are working on them, run the following command:

npm run preview