The golang custom builder is golang builder for OpenShift
- To build the golang custom builder on OCP
oc new-build
This will create the builder image that we will use to compile go code and create target image with binary injected
- Create the target go image build-config using the created builder (note that you need to be system admin to create a custom build strategy or enable the role system:build-strategy-custom to the user) (Edit the buildconfig.yaml to point to your go-repo if you want to use your code)
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:build-strategy-custom developer
oc apply -f buildconfig.yaml
oc start-build golang-ex
- Finally create the app
oc create -f deploymentconfig.yaml
On your docker platform you can
- build the builder image:
git clone
cd custombuilder
docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag go-custom-docker-builder
- run builder to test or debug your code (note that docker.sock needed for docker ops within the builder):
docker run -it --privileged -v /run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock go-custom-docker-builder bash
git clone <my_go_repo> <my_path>
cd <my_path>
go build my_bynary
cat > Dockerfile <<- EOF
FROM openshift/origin-base
COPY my_bynary $HOME
CMD $HOME/my_binary
docker build --rm -t my_final_image .
docker push my_final_image
- finally run your image docker run my_final_image