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For multi-language support the application uses:

  • react-native-i18n for the integration of translations with user preferences
  • YAML files in the directory locales
  • A YAML-to-typescript conversion script (generate:locales).

To add a new language you must:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a new directory under locales using the language code as the name (e.g. es for Spanish, de for German, etc...).
  3. Copy the content from the base language locales/en(en).
  4. Proceed with the translation by editing the YAML and Markdown files.
    • if is a YAML file (*.yml) translate only the text following the colon (e.g. today: "today" become in italian today: "oggi").
    • if is a Mardown file (*.md) translate the text leaving the formatting as is.
  5. Check that the command: npm run generate:locales (or yarn generate:locales) returns a success message.
  6. Create a PR using as title Internationalization {New Language} (e.g. Internationalization Italiano)and apply the label internationalization.

If you want to see the result in the app you must:

  1. Run the command: npm run generate:locales.

  2. Edit the file ts/i18n.ts by adding the new language in the variable I18n.translations.

    E.g. for German

    I18n.translations = {
      en: locales.localeEN,
      it: locales.localeIT


    I18n.translations = {
      en: locales.localeEN,
      it: locales.localeIT
      de: locales.localeDE