All notable changes of AQOO release series are documented in this file using the Keep a CHANGELOG principles.
This AQOO project changelog documentation start with version 0.0.1 (2017-07-18)
- travis ci build status including a working travis-ci build/test pipeline
- bug in cell-based playlist hide process
- bug in network indicator view state during long playlist load process
- bug in playMode reset on app crash (playMode was still activ on old playlist)
- structural and logical improvements/fixes after 3rd review
- minor documentation/changelog issues
- unit tests for DateHelper (DFDates) class
- unit tests for NumberHelper (DFNumbers) class
- bug in manual playlist refresh action that prevent track meta data loading
- bug in DateHelper class, error in mm:ss formatter on seconds > 60
- bug in DateHelper class, error in getDateAsString function on user defined dates
- image caching problem in playlist cover sets
- image quality problem on playlistCover rendering
- structural and logical improvements/fixes after 2nd review
- minor constraint issues in playlist colletion view
- minor documentation/changelog issues
- minor changes in travis build processor
- playlist identification icon rendering in playlist collection view
- old code (action) fragments related to extended play-controls in playlist table view
- travis ci build processor for XCode 10.1 (Swift 4.2.1)
- extended documentation for XCode 9 and XCode 10 usage
- extended documentation for "known issues"
- new tracklist based spotify playlist cover image processor
- new progress indicator during spotify request auth process
- new connection check handler for all net related view controls
- pod vendor library stack (some upgrades, some downgrades)
- spotify playlist cover image processor (after major API changes)
- structural and logical code changes after first review
- problems in view constraints of some views
- downgrade Pod/MaterialComponents (to 70.0.0)
- fix dependency branch problems in Podfile definitions
- support for new xcode 10.1 (10B61)
- support for new swift 4.2.1 (2018-10-30(a))
- compile/link errors on new swift 4.2 and xcode 10.1 release
- playlist cell detail meta drawout
- playlist cell playback function
- playlist cell control functionality
- playlist cover view
- playlist filter functionality
- playlist edit functionality
- tracklist view / playlist meta cell
- tracklist playback functions
- tracklist playback (sub) controls
- major issue with async process controls
- data model reference mismatch issue between track and playlist
- data model relationial issue for playlist tags
- minor bugs and structural issues
- spelling issues in documentation
- multi streaming provider functionality
- spotify origin source app authentication
- playlist view
- playlist editView(s)
- playlist cell/coverView
- trackView / trackPlaylistCell
- trackView playMode controls
- main code base (SDK integration)
- minor documentation
- changelog and license
- initial commit