- [BREAKING]: A breaking change. After an upgrade, your app may need modifications to keep working correctly.
- [FEATURE]: A non-breaking improvement to the app. Either introduces new functionality, or improves on an existing feature.
- [BUGFIX]: Fixes a bug with a non-breaking change.
- [COMPAT]: Compatibility improvements - changes to make Langchain.rb more compatible with different dependency versions.
- [OPTIM]: Optimization or performance increase.
- [DOCS]: Documentation changes. No changes to the library's behavior.
- [SECURITY]: A change which fixes a security vulnerability.
- Adding
rails g langchainrb_rails:assistant --llm=...
generator - Adding
rails g langchainrb_rails:prompt
- Add destroy_from_vectorsearch hook
- Bump langchainrb gem to include v0.11.x
- Remove pg_vector Overriding Operator Constants
- Bump langchainrb gem
- Fix Pgvector#ask method
- Fix bug when multiple ActiveRecord models use vectorsearch
- Bump langchainrb version
- Avoid extra query when Pgvector is used
- Qdrant vectorsearch generator
- Bugfix AR integration when using vectorsearch other than Pgvector
- Pgvector vectorsearch generator
- Pinecone vectorsearch generator
- Initial release