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Alexander Alexandrov edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 16 revisions

General instructions for Maven deployment can be found here.

Release Workflow

Assuming the following variables

export DEV_VER="1.0-SNAPSHOT" # development version
export REL_VER="1.0.0-rc1"    # next release version

Step 1. Bump up the project version.

mvn clean
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$REL_VER
mvn versions:commit
find -name pom.xml | xargs sed -i "s|<peel.version>$DEV_VER<\/peel.version>|<peel.version>$REL_VER<\/peel.version>|g"
git commit -am "Bumping up the project version to v$REL_VER."

Step 2. Tag the release.

git tag "v$REL_VER"

Step 3. Deploy the release to Sonatype.

mvn clean deploy -P release

Step 4. Revert the development version.

mvn clean
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$DEV_VER
mvn versions:commit
find -name pom.xml | xargs sed -i "s|<peel.version>$REL_VER<\/peel.version>|<peel.version>$DEV_VER<\/peel.version>|g"
git commit -am "Reverting the project version to $DEV_VER."

Step 5. Push the new commits online.

git push stratosphere master --tags

Step 6. Update the current_version in the webiste _config.yml.

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