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+ "description": "A shard contains a subset of sharded data for a sharded cluster. Together, the cluster’s shards hold the entire data set for the cluster.",
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+ {
+ "description": "When you run removeShard, MongoDB drains the shard by using the balancer to move the shard’s chunks to other shards in the cluster. Once the shard is drained, MongoDB removes the shard from the cluster.",
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+ "description": "MongoDB stores documents in collections. Collections are analogous to tables in relational databases.",
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+ "description": "The MongoDB balancer is a background process that monitors the number of chunks on each shard. ",
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+ "description": "When the number of chunks on a given shard reaches specific migration thresholds, the balancer attempts to automatically migrate chunks between shards and reach an equal number of chunks per shard.",
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+ "description": "Mongos is a routing service for MongoDB shard configurations that processes queries from the application layer, and determines the location of this data in the sharded cluster, in order to complete these operations. From the perspective of the application, a mongos instance behaves identically to any other MongoDB instance.",
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+ "description": "The MongoDB balancer is a background process that monitors the number of chunks on each shard. When the number of chunks on a given shard reaches specific migration thresholds, the balancer attempts to automatically migrate chunks between shards and reach an equal number of chunks per shard.",
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+ "description": "The sharding operation creates the initial chunk(s) to cover the entire range of the shard key values. The number of chunks created depends on the configured chunk size. After the initial chunk creation, the balancer migrates these initial chunks across the shards as appropriate as well as manages the chunk distribution going forward.",
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- "description": "A shard contains a subset of sharded data for a sharded cluster. Together, the cluster\u2019s shards hold the entire data set for the cluster.",
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- "description": "When you run removeShard, MongoDB drains the shard by using the balancer to move the shard\u2019s chunks to other shards in the cluster. Once the shard is drained, MongoDB removes the shard from the cluster.",
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- "description": "The MongoDB balancer is a background process that monitors the number of chunks on each shard. ",
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- "title": "Query Efficiency",
- "type": "piechart"
- },
- {
- "description": "Operations queued due to a lock.",
- "fieldConfig": {
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- "expr": "avg by (service_name,type) (mongodb_mongod_global_lock_current_queue{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
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- "hide": false,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "{{type}}",
- "refId": "J",
- "step": 300
- }
- ],
- "title": "Queued Operations",
- "type": "stat"
- },
- {
- "description": "The parameter shows how long a system has been “up” and running without a shut down or restart.",
- "fieldConfig": {
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- "mode": "thresholds"
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- "intervalFactor": 1,
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- "metric": "",
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- "step": 300
- }
- ],
- "title": "Uptime",
- "type": "stat"
- },
- {
- "description": "Sum of disk space on all partitions. Note it can be significantly over-reported in some installations",
- "fieldConfig": {
- "defaults": {
- "color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
- },
- "decimals": 2,
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- "value": null
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- "interval": "$interval",
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- "title": "Disk Space",
- "url": "/graph/d/node-disk/disk-details?$__url_time_range&$__all_variables"
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- "interval": "5m",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "refId": "A",
- "step": 300
- }
- ],
- "title": "Disk Space",
- "type": "stat"
- },
- {
- "description": "RAM (Random Access Memory) is the hardware in a computing device where the operating system, application programs and data in current use are kept so they can be quickly reached by the device's processor.",
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- "expr": "max by () (container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\",id=~\"/kubepods.*\",container!~\"POD|pmm-client|\"}) or \nmax by () (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\"})",
- "format": "time_series",
- "interval": "5m",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "refId": "A",
- "step": 300
- }
- ],
- "title": "RAM",
- "type": "stat"
- },
- {
- "description": "Lowest percent of the disk space available",
- "fieldConfig": {
- "defaults": {
- "color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
- },
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- "options": {
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- "color": "#299c46",
- "value": 20
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- "expr": "avg by () (min(node_filesystem_free_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\", fstype!~\"rootfs|selinuxfs|autofs|rpc_pipefs|tmpfs|shm|overlay|squashfs\"}/node_filesystem_size_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\", fstype!~\"rootfs|selinuxfs|autofs|rpc_pipefs|tmpfs|shm|overlay|squashfs\"})*100 or \n(100 - azure_storage_percent_average{node_name=~\"$node_name\"}))",
- "format": "time_series",
- "interval": "$interval",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "refId": "A"
- }
- ],
- "title": "Min Space Available",
- "type": "stat"
- },
- {
- "description": "This panel shows the number of objects (both data (scanned_objects) and index (scanned)) as well as the number of documents that were moved to a new location due to the size of the document growing. Moved documents only apply to the MMAPv1 storage engine.",
- "fieldConfig": {
- "defaults": {
- "color": {
- "mode": "continuous-GrYlRd"
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- "mode": "absolute",
- "steps": [
- {
- "color": "green",
- "value": null
- },
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- "color": "red",
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- "targets": [
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- "expr": "avg by (service_name) (rate(mongodb_mongod_metrics_query_executor_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[$interval]) or \nirate(mongodb_mongod_metrics_query_executor_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[5m]))",
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- "interval": "$interval",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "{{state}}",
- "metric": "",
- "refId": "A",
- "step": 300
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- {
- "expr": "avg by (service_name) (rate(mongodb_mongod_metrics_record_moves_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[$interval]) or irate(mongodb_mongod_metrics_record_moves_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[5m]))",
- "format": "time_series",
- "interval": "$interval",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "moved",
- "refId": "B",
- "step": 300
- }
- ],
- "title": "Scanned and Moved Objects",
- "type": "bargauge"
- },
- {
- "description": "Percent of Memory Available\nNote: on Modern Linux Kernels amount of Memory Available for application is not the same as Free+Cached+Buffers",
- "fieldConfig": {
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- "color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
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- "color": "#299c46",
- "value": 10
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- "exemplar": true,
- "expr": "clamp_max(avg by () (container_memory_usage_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\",id=~\"/kubepods.*\",container!~\"POD|pmm-client|backup-agent|\"} * 100 / container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{node_name=\"$node_name\",id=~\"/kubepods.*\",container!~\"POD|pmm-client|backup-agent|\"}),100) or \navg by () (((node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\"} or (node_memory_MemFree_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\"} + node_memory_Buffers_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\"} + node_memory_Cached_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\"})) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{node_name=~\"$node_name\"}) * 100 or (100 - azure_memory_percent_average{node_name=~\"$node_name\"}))",
- "format": "time_series",
- "interval": "$interval",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "refId": "A"
- }
- ],
- "title": "Memory Available",
- "type": "stat"
- },
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- "description": "Show the 5 collections that are most frequently read.",
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- "mode": "thresholds"
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- "mode": "absolute",
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- "legendFormat": "ReplicaSet: {{rs_nm}} - DB: {{database}} - Collection: {{collection}}",
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- "refId": "B"
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- "type": "bargauge"
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- {
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- "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (100 - (avg by(node_id) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode=\"idle\"}[1m])) * 100))",
- "format": "time_series",
- "interval": "$interval",
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "expr": "count by (set) (group by (service_name, set) (mongodb_mongod_replset_number_of_members{cluster=~\"$cluster\",set=~\"$replset\"} or mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{cluster=~\"$cluster\",set=~\"$replset\"}))",
+ "interval": "5m",
"intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "{{ mode }}",
- "range": true,
- "refId": "B"
+ "legendFormat": "",
+ "metric": "",
+ "refId": "A",
+ "step": 300
- "title": "CPU Usage",
- "type": "gauge"
+ "title": "ReplSet Members",
+ "type": "stat"
- "description": "Estimated how much memory can be used without swapping",
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "description": "This shows the time since the last election.",
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
+ "fixedColor": "rgb(31, 120, 193)",
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"mode": "absolute",
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@@ -489,20 +294,25 @@
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- "h": 4,
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@@ -510,37 +320,38 @@
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"targets": [
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- "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (1 - avg by(node_id)(node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes)/ avg by (node_id) (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes))",
- "hide": false,
- "instant": false,
- "legendFormat": "__auto",
- "range": true,
- "refId": "A"
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "expr": "time() - max(mongodb_mongod_replset_member_election_date{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
+ "interval": "5m",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "",
+ "metric": "",
+ "refId": "A",
+ "step": 300
- "title": "Memory Used",
- "type": "gauge"
+ "title": "ReplSet Last Election",
+ "type": "stat"
- "description": "Shows disk Utilization as a percentage of the time when there was at least one IO request in flight. It is designed to match utilization available in iostat tool. The graph augments the IO latency and Disk Load Graphs, allowing to determine if the disk load was evenly distributed in time or consuming the IO momentarily. Higher utilization increases the likeliness of IO queuing. Always consider this metric along with response time and IO queue depth.",
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "description": "This panel shows how far behind in replication this member is if it is a secondary. This number may be high it the instance is running as a delayed secondary member.",
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
+ "fixedColor": "rgb(31, 120, 193)",
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@@ -554,20 +365,25 @@
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@@ -575,1465 +391,1859 @@
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- "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (sum by (node_id) (rate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total[$interval])) or (sum by (node_id) (irate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total[5m]))))",
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "exemplar": false,
+ "expr": "avg by (set) (max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_replset_member_replication_lag{set=\"$replset\",state=\"SECONDARY\",self=~\"|1\",service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[${__range}]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "hide": false,
+ "instant": true,
"interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{ node_name }}",
- "range": true,
+ "legendFormat": "",
"refId": "B"
- "title": "Disk IO Utilization",
- "type": "gauge"
+ "timeFrom": "1m",
+ "title": "Avg ReplSet Lag",
+ "type": "stat"
- "description": "Shows information about the disk space usage of the specified mountpoint.\n\n**Used** is the amount of space used.\n\n**Free** is the amount of space not in use.\n\n**Used+Free** is the total disk space allocated to the mountpoint.\n\nHaving *Free* close to 0 B is not good because of the risk to have a “disk full” error that can block one of the services or even cause a crash of the entire system.\n\nIn case Free is close to 0 B consider to remove unused files or to expand the space allocated to the mountpoint.",
- "fieldConfig": {
- "defaults": {
- "color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
- },
- "links": [],
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- "mode": "absolute",
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- "color": "green",
- "value": null
- },
- {
- "color": "red",
- "value": 80
- }
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- "unit": "percentunit"
- },
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- "targets": [
+ "styles": [
- "editorMode": "code",
- "expr": "avg(mongodb_dbstats_fsUsedSize{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})/ avg (mongodb_dbstats_fsTotalSize{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
- "hide": false,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "Total Size",
- "range": true,
- "refId": "A"
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- "hide": true,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "Usage",
- "range": true,
- "refId": "C"
- }
- ],
- "title": "Disk Space Utilization",
- "type": "gauge"
- },
- {
- "description": "Shows amount of physical IOs (reads and writes) different devices are serving. Spikes in number of IOs served often corresponds to performance problems due to IO subsystem overload.",
- "fieldConfig": {
- "defaults": {
- "color": {
- "fixedColor": "blue",
- "mode": "fixed"
- },
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- "color": "green",
- "value": null
- },
- {
- "color": "red",
- "value": 80
- }
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+ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)",
+ "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
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+ "linkUrl": "/graph/d/mongodb-instance-summary/mongodb-instance-summary?var-service_name=${__cell}",
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- "format": "time_series",
- "interval": "$interval",
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "exemplar": false,
+ "expr": "avg by (service_name,engine) (mongodb_mongod_storage_engine{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
+ "format": "table",
+ "hide": true,
+ "instant": true,
+ "interval": "5m",
"intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "Read",
+ "legendFormat": "{{ engine }}",
"metric": "",
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"refId": "A",
- "step": 300,
- "target": ""
+ "step": 300
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- "datasourceErrors": {},
- "editorMode": "code",
- "errors": {},
- "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (avg by (node_id) (sum by(node_id)(\n(rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total[$interval]) or \nirate(node_disk_writes_completed_total[5s])) \n)))",
- "format": "time_series",
- "hide": false,
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- "metric": "",
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- "refId": "B",
- "step": 300,
- "target": ""
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "exemplar": false,
+ "expr": "avg by (service_name,mongodb) (mongodb_version_info{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
+ "format": "table",
+ "instant": true,
+ "interval": "5m",
+ "legendFormat": "{{mongodb}}",
+ "refId": "B"
- "title": "Disk IOPS",
- "type": "stat"
+ "timeFrom": "1m",
+ "title": "MongoDB Versions",
+ "transform": "table",
+ "type": "table-old"
- "description": "Network traffic refers to the amount of data moving across a network at a given point in time.",
+ "datasource": "Metrics",
+ "description": "ReplSet statuses during the select time range.",
"fieldConfig": {
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"fixedColor": "blue",
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- "url": "/graph/d/node-network/network-details?var-node_name=${__field.labels.node_name}&$__url_time_range"
+ "options": {
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+ "index": 11,
+ "text": "STARTUP"
+ },
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+ "color": "rgb(107, 152, 102)",
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+ },
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+ "color": "rgb(193, 159, 20)",
+ "index": 3,
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+ },
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+ "index": 10,
+ "text": "RECOVERING"
+ },
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+ "index": 9,
+ "text": "STARTUP2"
+ },
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+ "index": 8,
+ "text": "UNKNOWN"
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+ "index": 1,
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+ },
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+ "index": 6,
+ "text": "ROLLBACK"
+ },
+ "10": {
+ "index": 5,
+ "text": "REMOVED"
+ },
+ "null": {
+ "color": "#FF7383",
+ "index": 2,
+ "text": "Exporter is not connected"
+ }
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+ "type": "value"
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+ "index": 0,
+ "text": "N/A"
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"color": "green",
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"editorMode": "code",
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- "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (sum by (node_id) (rate(node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device!=\"lo\"}[$interval])) or sum by (node_id) (irate(node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device!=\"lo\"}[5m])) or\nsum by (node_id) (max_over_time(rdsosmetrics_network_tx[$interval])) or sum by (node_id) (max_over_time(rdsosmetrics_network_tx[5m])))",
+ "exemplar": false,
+ "expr": "max by (service_name) (mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{set=~\"$replset\",service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
"format": "time_series",
+ "hide": false,
+ "instant": false,
"interval": "$interval",
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- "legendFormat": "Outbound",
- "metric": "",
+ "legendFormat": "{{service_name}}",
"range": true,
- "refId": "A",
- "step": 300,
- "target": ""
+ "refId": "A"
- "title": "Network Traffic",
- "type": "stat"
- },
+ "title": "ReplSet States",
+ "transformations": [],
+ "type": "state-timeline"
+ },
- "description": "The parameter shows how long a system has been “up” and running without a shut down or restart.",
- "fieldConfig": {
- "defaults": {
- "color": {
- "mode": "thresholds"
- },
- "decimals": 1,
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- "color": "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)",
- "value": null
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- "value": 3600
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- "format": "time_series",
- "hide": false,
- "interval": "5m",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "",
- "metric": "",
- "range": true,
- "refId": "A",
- "step": 300
- }
- ],
- "title": "Uptime",
- "type": "stat"
- },
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- "description": "",
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+ "description": "MongoDB replication lag occurs when the secondary node cannot replicate data fast enough to keep up with the rate that data is being written to the primary node. It could be caused by something as simple as network latency, packet loss within your network, or a routing issue.",
+ "editable": true,
+ "error": false,
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+ }
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@@ -2273,79 +2381,123 @@
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+ "expr": "avg by (service_name) (max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or \nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]))",
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"renameByName": {
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- "description": "A WT 'ticket' is assigned out for every operation running simultaneously in the WT storage engine. \"Available\" = hardcoded high value - \"Out\".",
+ "description": "MongoDB keeps most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all queries from memory.",
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+ "description": "A shard contains a subset of sharded data for a sharded cluster. Together, the cluster’s shards hold the entire data set for the cluster.",
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- "description": "A MongoDB sharded cluster deployment can contain collections that are either unsharded (the default when created) or sharded.",
+ "description": "Number of mongos routers registered as part of the cluster",
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+ "description": "When you run removeShard, MongoDB drains the shard by using the balancer to move the shard’s chunks to other shards in the cluster. Once the shard is drained, MongoDB removes the shard from the cluster.",
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- "description": "A shard contains a subset of sharded data for a sharded cluster. Together, the cluster’s shards hold the entire data set for the cluster.",
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+ "title": "Sharded Collections",
"type": "stat"
- "description": "When you run removeShard, MongoDB drains the shard by using the balancer to move the shard’s chunks to other shards in the cluster. Once the shard is drained, MongoDB removes the shard from the cluster.",
+ "description": "The MongoDB balancer is a background process that monitors the number of chunks on each shard. ",
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- "title": "Draining Shards",
+ "title": "Balancer Enabled",
"type": "stat"
- "description": "MongoDB stores documents in collections. Collections are analogous to tables in relational databases.",
+ "description": "A chunk consists of a subset of sharded data.",
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"type": "stat"
- "description": "The MongoDB balancer is a background process that monitors the number of chunks on each shard. ",
+ "description": "Time since the most recent election of any member of the cluster",
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+ "title": "Last Election",
"type": "stat"
- "description": "When the number of chunks on a given shard reaches specific migration thresholds, the balancer attempts to automatically migrate chunks between shards and reach an equal number of chunks per shard.",
+ "description": "Show the chunk distribution between all the shards involved",
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- "description": "Config services store the metadata for a sharded cluster. The metadata reflects state and organization for all data and components within the sharded cluster. The metadata includes the list of chunks on every shard and the ranges that define the chunks.",
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- "description": "Mongos is a routing service for MongoDB shard configurations that processes queries from the application layer, and determines the location of this data in the sharded cluster, in order to complete these operations. From the perspective of the application, a mongos instance behaves identically to any other MongoDB instance.",
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- "description": "A shard contains a subset of sharded data for a sharded cluster. Together, the cluster’s shards hold the entire data set for the cluster.",
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"refId": "A"
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- "description": "The MongoDB balancer is a background process that monitors the number of chunks on each shard. When the number of chunks on a given shard reaches specific migration thresholds, the balancer attempts to automatically migrate chunks between shards and reach an equal number of chunks per shard.",
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+ "description": "Show the 5 collections that are most frequently written to.",
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- "Time": true
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- "shard": "Shard Name",
- "Value": "Chunks"
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"targets": [
- "expr": "avg by (shard) (mongodb_mongos_sharding_shard_chunks_total{cluster=\"$cluster\",db!~\"admin|config\"})",
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- "col_index": -1,
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- "description": "The sharding operation creates the initial chunk(s) to cover the entire range of the shard key values. The number of chunks created depends on the configured chunk size. After the initial chunk creation, the balancer migrates these initial chunks across the shards as appropriate as well as manages the chunk distribution going forward.",
+ "decimals": 0,
+ "description": "Ops/sec, classified by legacy wire protocol type (query, insert, update, delete, getmore).",
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@@ -1651,32 +1296,39 @@
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+ "description": "The sharding operation creates the initial chunk(s) to cover the entire range of the shard key values. The number of chunks created depends on the configured chunk size. After the initial chunk creation, the balancer migrates these initial chunks across the shards as appropriate as well as manages the chunk distribution going forward.",
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+ "description": "MongoDB migrates chunks in a sharded cluster to distribute the chunks of a sharded collection evenly among shards. ",
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@@ -249,38 +446,36 @@
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- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "expr": "count by (set) (group by (service_name, set) (mongodb_mongod_replset_number_of_members{cluster=~\"$cluster\",set=~\"$replset\"} or mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{cluster=~\"$cluster\",set=~\"$replset\"}))",
- "interval": "5m",
+ "editorMode": "code",
+ "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (100 - (avg by(node_id) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode=\"idle\"}[1m])) * 100))",
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+ "interval": "$interval",
"intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "",
- "metric": "",
- "refId": "A",
- "step": 300
+ "legendFormat": "{{ mode }}",
+ "range": true,
+ "refId": "B"
- "title": "ReplSet Members",
- "type": "stat"
+ "title": "CPU Usage",
+ "type": "gauge"
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "description": "This shows the time since the last election.",
+ "description": "Estimated how much memory can be used without swapping",
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
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- "fixedColor": "rgb(31, 120, 193)",
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@@ -294,25 +489,20 @@
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- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "expr": "time() - max(mongodb_mongod_replset_member_election_date{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
- "interval": "5m",
- "intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "",
- "metric": "",
- "refId": "A",
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+ "hide": false,
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+ "legendFormat": "__auto",
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+ "refId": "A"
- "title": "ReplSet Last Election",
- "type": "stat"
+ "title": "Memory Used",
+ "type": "gauge"
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "description": "This panel shows how far behind in replication this member is if it is a secondary. This number may be high it the instance is running as a delayed secondary member.",
+ "description": "Shows disk Utilization as a percentage of the time when there was at least one IO request in flight. It is designed to match utilization available in iostat tool. The graph augments the IO latency and Disk Load Graphs, allowing to determine if the disk load was evenly distributed in time or consuming the IO momentarily. Higher utilization increases the likeliness of IO queuing. Always consider this metric along with response time and IO queue depth.",
"fieldConfig": {
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@@ -365,25 +554,20 @@
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@@ -391,1859 +575,1465 @@
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- "datasource": "Metrics",
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- "expr": "avg by (set) (max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_replset_member_replication_lag{set=\"$replset\",state=\"SECONDARY\",self=~\"|1\",service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[${__range}]))",
- "format": "time_series",
- "hide": false,
- "instant": true,
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+ "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (sum by (node_id) (rate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total[$interval])) or (sum by (node_id) (irate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total[5m]))))",
"interval": "$interval",
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+ "legendFormat": "{{ node_name }}",
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"refId": "B"
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- "title": "Avg ReplSet Lag",
- "type": "stat"
+ "title": "Disk IO Utilization",
+ "type": "gauge"
- "columns": [],
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "description": "",
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+ "description": "Shows information about the disk space usage of the specified mountpoint.\n\n**Used** is the amount of space used.\n\n**Free** is the amount of space not in use.\n\n**Used+Free** is the total disk space allocated to the mountpoint.\n\nHaving *Free* close to 0 B is not good because of the risk to have a “disk full” error that can block one of the services or even cause a crash of the entire system.\n\nIn case Free is close to 0 B consider to remove unused files or to expand the space allocated to the mountpoint.",
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+ "color": {
+ "mode": "thresholds"
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+ "hide": false,
+ "interval": "$interval",
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+ "refId": "C"
+ "title": "Disk Space Utilization",
+ "type": "gauge"
+ },
+ {
+ "description": "Shows amount of physical IOs (reads and writes) different devices are serving. Spikes in number of IOs served often corresponds to performance problems due to IO subsystem overload.",
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- "hide": true,
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- "interval": "5m",
+ "calculatedInterval": "2m",
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+ "format": "time_series",
+ "interval": "$interval",
"intervalFactor": 1,
- "legendFormat": "{{ engine }}",
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"metric": "",
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"refId": "A",
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+ "step": 300,
+ "target": ""
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "exemplar": false,
- "expr": "avg by (service_name,mongodb) (mongodb_version_info{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
- "format": "table",
- "instant": true,
- "interval": "5m",
- "legendFormat": "{{mongodb}}",
- "refId": "B"
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+ "format": "time_series",
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+ "metric": "",
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+ "step": 300,
+ "target": ""
- "timeFrom": "1m",
- "title": "MongoDB Versions",
- "transform": "table",
- "type": "table-old"
+ "title": "Disk IOPS",
+ "type": "stat"
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "description": "ReplSet statuses during the select time range.",
+ "description": "Network traffic refers to the amount of data moving across a network at a given point in time.",
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- "text": "STARTUP"
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- },
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- "color": "rgb(193, 159, 20)",
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- "text": "SECONDARY"
- },
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- "index": 10,
- "text": "RECOVERING"
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- "text": "Exporter is not connected"
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+ "title": "Network Details - ${__field.labels.node_name}",
+ "url": "/graph/d/node-network/network-details?var-node_name=${__field.labels.node_name}&$__url_time_range"
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"thresholds": {
"mode": "absolute",
"steps": [
"color": "green",
"value": null
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"editorMode": "code",
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+ "errors": {},
+ "expr": "mongodb_mongod_replset_my_state{service_name=~\"$service_name\"}[1m]*0 + on(node_id) group_left(node_id) (sum by (node_id) (rate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{device!=\"lo\"}[$interval])) or sum by (node_id) (irate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{device!=\"lo\"}[5m])) or sum by (node_id) (max_over_time(rdsosmetrics_network_rx[$interval])) or sum by (node_id) (max_over_time(rdsosmetrics_network_rx[5m])))",
"format": "time_series",
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"interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}}",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
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"range": true,
- "refId": "A"
- }
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- },
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- "h": 1,
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- "datasource": "Metrics",
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- "description": "MongoDB replication lag occurs when the secondary node cannot replicate data fast enough to keep up with the rate that data is being written to the primary node. It could be caused by something as simple as network latency, packet loss within your network, or a routing issue.",
- "editable": true,
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- }
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- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "expr": "avg by (service_name) ((max(max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_replset_member_replication_lag{set=\"$replset\",state=\"SECONDARY\",self=~\"|1\",service_name=~\"$secondary\"}[$interval]) > 0) by (service_name,set)) or (max(max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_replset_member_replication_lag{set=\"$replset\",state=\"SECONDARY\",self=~\"|1\",service_name=~\"$secondary\"}[5m]) > 0) by (service_name,set)))",
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- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "Avg",
- "refId": "B"
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- "title": "Replication Lag",
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+ "type": "stat"
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- "hide": true,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}} - {{name}} - {{state}}",
- "refId": "B"
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+ "direction": "desc"
+ },
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+ {
+ "editorMode": "code",
+ "exemplar": false,
+ "expr": "max by (environment,cluster,rs_nm,database,collection,service_name) (mongodb_collstats_storageStats_storageSize{cluster=~\"$cluster\",rs_nm=~\"$rs_nm\",db!~\"admin|config\"})",
+ "format": "table",
+ "hide": false,
+ "instant": true,
+ "interval": "$interval",
+ "legendFormat": "{{collection}}",
+ "range": false,
+ "refId": "A"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "id": "groupingToMatrix",
+ "options": {
+ "columnField": "shard",
+ "rowField": "db",
+ "valueField": "Value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "organize",
+ "options": {
+ "excludeByName": {
+ "Time": true,
+ "cluster": true,
+ "environment": false,
+ "rs_nm": true
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- {
- "id": "unit",
- "value": "s"
- }
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+ "service_name": 2
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+ "renameByName": {
+ "Value": "Size",
+ "database": "DB Name",
+ "db\\shard": "DB Name",
+ "rs1": "",
+ "service_name": "Node"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "table"
+ },
+ {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "default_title_for_rows": "DB Name",
+ "description": "MongoDB stores documents in collections. Collections are analogous to tables in relational databases.",
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+ "fixedColor": "transparent",
+ "mode": "fixed"
+ },
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+ "value": null
- },
+ }
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"matcher": {
- "id": "byName",
- "options": "Value #D"
+ "id": "byRegexp",
+ "options": "^((?!(DB Name)).)*$"
"properties": [
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+ {
+ "title": "",
+ "url": "/graph/d/mongodb-instance-summary/mongodb-instance-summary?${__data.fields.Node}&${__url_time_range}&${interval:queryparam}&${cluster:queryparam}"
+ }
+ ]
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+ {
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+ }
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"sorting_props": {
@@ -2381,123 +2291,79 @@
"targets": [
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "editorMode": "code",
- "exemplar": false,
- "expr": "avg by (service_name) (mongodb_instance_uptime_seconds{service_name=~\"$service_name\"})",
- "format": "table",
- "instant": true,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}} | Uptime",
- "range": false,
- "refId": "C"
- },
- {
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "editorMode": "code",
- "exemplar": false,
- "expr": "sum by (service_name) (rate(mongodb_mongod_op_counters_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type!=\"command\"}[$interval]) or irate(mongodb_mongod_op_counters_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type!=\"command\"}[5m]) or rate(mongodb_op_counters_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type!=\"command\"}[$interval]) or irate(mongodb_op_counters_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type!=\"command\"}[5m]))",
- "format": "table",
- "hide": false,
- "instant": true,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}} | QPS",
- "range": false,
- "refId": "A"
- },
- {
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "editorMode": "code",
- "exemplar": false,
- "expr": "avg by (service_name) (rate(mongodb_mongod_op_latencies_latency_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type=\"command\"}[$interval]) / (rate(mongodb_mongod_op_latencies_ops_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type=\"command\"}[$interval]) > 0) or\nirate(mongodb_mongod_op_latencies_latency_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type=\"command\"}[5m]) / (irate(mongodb_mongod_op_latencies_ops_total{service_name=~\"$service_name\",type=\"command\"}[5m]) > 0))",
- "format": "table",
- "instant": true,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}} | Latency",
- "range": false,
- "refId": "B"
- },
- {
- "datasource": "Metrics",
"editorMode": "code",
"exemplar": false,
- "expr": "avg by (service_name) (max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_connections{service_name=~\"$service_name\", state=\"current\"}[$interval]) or \nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_connections{service_name=~\"$service_name\", state=\"current\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_connections{service_name=~\"$service_name\", state=\"current\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_connections{service_name=~\"$service_name\", state=\"current\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_connections{service_name=~\"$service_name\", state=\"current\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_connections{service_name=~\"$service_name\", state=\"current\"}[5m]))",
+ "expr": "max by (environment,cluster,rs_nm,database,service_name) (mongodb_mongod_db_collections_total{cluster=~\"$cluster\",rs_nm=~\"$rs_nm\",db!~\"admin|config\"})",
"format": "table",
+ "hide": false,
"instant": true,
"interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}} | Connections",
+ "legendFormat": "__auto",
"range": false,
- "refId": "D"
- },
- {
- "datasource": "Metrics",
- "editorMode": "code",
- "exemplar": false,
- "expr": "avg by (service_name) (max_over_time(mongodb_mongod_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongod_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or \nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_metrics_cursor_open{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[$interval]) or\nmax_over_time(mongodb_mongos_cursors{service_name=~\"$service_name\",state=\"total\"}[5m]))",
- "format": "table",
- "instant": true,
- "interval": "$interval",
- "legendFormat": "{{service_name}} | Cursors ",
- "refId": "E"
+ "refId": "A"
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+ "title": "Number of Collections",
"transformations": [
- {
- "id": "merge",
- "options": {}
- },
"id": "organize",
"options": {
"excludeByName": {
"Time": true,
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- "machine_id": true,
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"Time": 0,
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- "Value #D": 5,
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+ "Value": 5,
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+ "rs_nm": 4,
+ "service_name": 2
"renameByName": {
- "Value #A": "QPS",
- "Value #B": "Average Latency",
- "Value #C": "Uptime",
- "Value #D": "Open Connections",
- "Value #E": "Cursors",
- "service_name": "Service Name"
+ "1710776522937": "",
+ "Value": "Count",
+ "database": "DB Name",
+ "service_name": "Node"
"type": "table"
- },
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type": "row"
+ },
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- "description": "Average latency of operations (classified by read, write, or (other) command).",
+ "description": "MongoDB replication lag occurs when the secondary node cannot replicate data fast enough to keep up with the rate that data is being written to the primary node. It could be caused by something as simple as network latency, packet loss within your network, or a routing issue.",
"editable": true,
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+ }
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@@ -2509,14 +2375,13 @@
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+ "title": "Replication Lag",
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@@ -2580,13 +2459,13 @@
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@@ -2607,14 +2486,19 @@
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- "description": "Docs per second inserted, updated, deleted or returned. (N.b. not 1-to-1 with operation counts.)",
+ "description": "Timespan 'window' between newest and the oldest op in the Oplog collection.",
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@@ -2626,14 +2510,13 @@
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"hide": false,
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@@ -2697,13 +2587,13 @@
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@@ -2718,17 +2608,28 @@
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- "description": "MongoDB keeps most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all queries from memory.",
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+ "description": "Average latency of operations (classified by read, write, or (other) command)",
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diff --git a/pmm-app/src/pmm-qan/panel/components/Filters/Filters.constants.ts b/pmm-app/src/pmm-qan/panel/components/Filters/Filters.constants.ts
index f9aa071c59..601fbd50d0 100644
--- a/pmm-app/src/pmm-qan/panel/components/Filters/Filters.constants.ts
+++ b/pmm-app/src/pmm-qan/panel/components/Filters/Filters.constants.ts
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const FILTERS_GROUPS = [
if (serviceType === Databases.mysql) {
dashboardURL = `pxc-cluster-summary/pxc-galera-cluster-summary?var-cluster=${value}`;
} else if (serviceType === Databases.mongodb) {
- dashboardURL = `mongodb-cluster-summary/mongodb-cluster-summary?var-cluster=${value}`;
+ dashboardURL = `mongodb-cluster-summary/mongodb-sharded-cluster-summary?var-cluster=${value}`;
return dashboardURL ? `${subURL}${dashboardURL}` : '';