{{ page.title }}
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--- a/Chapter12/applications.tex
+++ b/Chapter12/applications.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
-% Translator:
-% Tianfan Fu: 12.1~12. 3
-% Shenjian Zhao: 12.4~12.5
+% Translator: Tianfan Fu: 12.1~12.3 Shenjian Zhao: 12.4~12.5
diff --git a/Chapter15/representation_learning.tex b/Chapter15/representation_learning.tex
index d1f604e..fe9ed7a 100644
--- a/Chapter15/representation_learning.tex
+++ b/Chapter15/representation_learning.tex
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ \chapter{\glsentrytext{representation_learning}}
% -- 518 --
+\section{贪心地逐层\glsentrytext{unsupervised_pretraining} }
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ \section{贪心地逐层\glsentrytext{unsupervised_pretraining}}
-\caption{{\em \gls{greedy_layer_wise_unsupervised_pretraining}的协定}\\
+\caption{ {\em \gls{greedy_layer_wise_unsupervised_pretraining}的协定}\\
在执行\gls{fine_tune}的情况下,我们使用学习者$\CalT$,并使用初始函数$f$,输入样本$\MX$(以及在监督\gls{fine_tune}情况下关联的目标$\MY$),并返回细调好函数。 阶段数为$m$。
diff --git a/Chapter2/linear_algebra.tex b/Chapter2/linear_algebra.tex
index 91cf9d3..a6334a9 100644
--- a/Chapter2/linear_algebra.tex
+++ b/Chapter2/linear_algebra.tex
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ \section{实例:\glsentrytext{PCA}}
-让$\MX\in\SetR^{m\times n}$是将描述点的向量堆叠在一起的矩阵,例如$\MX_{i,:}=\Vx^{{(i)}^\top}$。
+让$\MX\in\SetR^{m\times n}$是将描述点的向量堆叠在一起的矩阵,例如$\MX_{i,:}=\Vx^{(i)^\top}$。
\Vd^* = \underset{\Vd}{\arg\min} \norm{\MX - \MX\Vd\Vd^\top}_F^2
diff --git a/Chapter6/deep_feedforward_networks.tex b/Chapter6/deep_feedforward_networks.tex
index 218b438..3852fd1 100644
--- a/Chapter6/deep_feedforward_networks.tex
+++ b/Chapter6/deep_feedforward_networks.tex
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ \subsection{通用近似性质和深度}
-\caption{% This is a screenshot.
+\caption{ % This is a screenshot.
镜像的对称轴由单元的权重和偏置定义的超平面给出。 在该单元顶部计算的函数(绿色决策面)将是横跨该对称轴的更简单模式的一个镜像。
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+# When testing locally leave blank or use http://localhost:4000
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+url: https://exacity.github.io/deeplearningbook-chinese
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