diff --git a/frameworks/mbed_extra.rst b/frameworks/mbed_extra.rst
index ae5f388e3c..3d45753ea9 100644
--- a/frameworks/mbed_extra.rst
+++ b/frameworks/mbed_extra.rst
@@ -24,11 +24,8 @@ Configuration system
In Mbed OS 6 the list of supported boards was heavily reduced, only officially
supported and well maintained targets left. More information in
`the official explanation `_.
- In order to keep legacy projects built on top of Mbed OS 5 compilable, each
- development platform contains a list of deprecated boards that is used to dynamically
- select the proper version of Mbed OS (OS5 or OS6).
-PlatformIO allows you to customize mbed OS compile time configuration
+PlatformIO allows you to customize Mbed OS compile time configuration
parameters using ``mbed_app.json`` manifest. It should be placed into the root
of your project and located on the same level as :ref:`projectconf`.
@@ -40,9 +37,9 @@ Some examples of configuration parameters:
* The receive buffer size of a serial communication library.
* The flash and RAM memory size of a target board.
-See more details in the official `ARM Mbed OS Configuration System `_.
+See more details in the official `ARM Mbed OS Configuration System `_.
-A few PlatformIO-ready projects based on ARM mbed OS which use ``mbed_app.json``:
+A few PlatformIO-ready projects based on ARM Mbed OS which use ``mbed_app.json``:
* `Freescale Kinetis: mbed-rtos-kvstore `_
* `ST STM32: mbed-rtos-mesh-minimal `_
@@ -54,12 +51,8 @@ A few PlatformIO-ready projects based on ARM mbed OS which use ``mbed_app.json``
compilation error for some targets. It's possible to shorten these paths is to
install packages in root of any logical disk by specifying :ref:`projectconf_pio_core_dir`.
-Mbed OS 6
Using Bare Metal profile
The bare metal profile implements a subset of Mbed OS's RTOS APIs that are useful in
non-threaded applications, such as semaphores (calling the release API from interrupts)
@@ -72,37 +65,8 @@ Useful links:
* `Detailed description of bare metal profile `_
* `Porting a target from Mbed OS 2 to Mbed OS 6 bare metal `_
-Mbed OS 5 and Mbed 2
-PlatformIO allows compiling projects with or without Mbed OS 5. By default, project
-is built without the OS feature. Most of the framework functionality requires the OS to
-be enabled. To add the OS feature you can use a special macro definition that needs be
-added to :ref:`projectconf_build_flags` of :ref:`projectconf`:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- * - Name
- - Description
- - Build the project with enabled ``rtos``
-An example of :ref:`projectconf` with enabled ``rtos``
-.. code-block:: ini
- [env:wizwiki_w7500p]
- platform = wiznet7500
- framework = mbed
- board = wizwiki_w7500p
Build profiles
By default, PlatformIO builds your project using ``develop profile`` which provides
optimized firmware size with full error information and allows MCU to go to sleep mode.
@@ -123,28 +87,25 @@ You can change build profile :ref:`projectconf_build_flags` of :ref:`projectconf
- Debug profile (largest firmware, disabled sleep mode)
More information about differences between build profiles can be found on the
-official page `ARM Mbed OS Build Profiles `_.
+official page `ARM Mbed OS Build Profiles `_.
Ignoring particular components
In case you don't need all parts of the framework or you want to reduce the compilation
time, you can explicitly exclude folders with redundant sources. For example, to remove
-``cellular``, ``mbedtls`` and ``nanostack`` features from the build process, navigate
-to :ref:`projectconf_pio_packages_dir` and create a new file ``framework-mbed/features/.mbedignore``
-with the following contents:
+``cellular``, ``kvstore`` and ``nanostack`` features from the build process, navigate
+to the root of your project and create a new file ``.mbedignore`` with the following
.. code-block:: ini
- cellular/*
- mbedtls/*
- nanostack/*
-If you want to exclude the entire folder, simply create ``.mbedignore`` file and add
-only one symbol ``*`` to this file.
+ mbed-os/connectivity/cellular/*
+ mbed-os/connectivity/nanostack/*
+ mbed-os/storage/kvstore/*
Custom Targets
In case when your board is not officially supported by :ref:`framework_mbed` you can
manually add custom board definitions to your project. First of all, you need to create