- Welcome
- Minutes/actions from previous meeting
- Updates from related communities:
- Review status of sub projects:
- open TSC issues:
- Any other business
It was noted that today is a public holiday in the USA.
No additional notes.
- Presentation/demo on PQ crytographic code scanning plugin for sonarqube. Project currently under IBM/sonar-cryptography. Front end web UI not yet in open source, but expected soon. Supports Java/Python currently, contributions welcome for other languages.
- Continued discussion on Project Lifecycle.
- Working towards next release 0.11. WIll include libjade implementation. Will be a prelude to sourcing implementations from pq-code-package. Tiago synchronizing with team next week. Expect main branch will move to Apache 2.0.
- Alex proposing updates for the demos project.
- Mostly working on automated benchmarking on different boards (self-hosted). Results here.
- intent is to get a baseline before further improvements added.
- Triggered on merge, but can be triggered in PR via label (non org members need approval) - looking at improvements so any regressions can be spotted before merge.
- Working with Ry on Graviton access
- Douglas pointed out OQS has a mac m1 mini - a current gap for aarch64 testing. Will require some thought to harden github runner & allow access.
- Douglas noted that OQS has a goal to revisit benchmarking. Spencer will be working on this and may contact Matthias for advice.
- Franziskus has been working on separating out the code upstream ie into different crates. Working through policies such as when code is pushed, issue tracking, which crate is where, dependencies (small number). We noted that rust crates contain source only - so not a binary distribution.
- [#3 : Franziskus noted that for libcrux they have some crude labels, and consolidation on the descriptions would be useful.
No other topics.
No updates.
- Recordings are available on your Open Profile page under Past Meetings
The next meeting will be scheduled in 2 weeks time - 1300 UTC on 2024-07-18.
- Manuel Barbosa, University of Porto
- Hanno Becker, AWS
- Nigel Jones, IBM
- Matthias J. Kannwischer, Chelpis Quantum Tech
- Franziskus Kiefer, Cryspen
- Tiago Oliveira, Sandbox AQ
- John Schanck, Mozilla
- Douglas Stebila, University of Waterloo