- Welcome
- Minutes/actions from previous meeting
- Updates from related communities:
- Review status of sub projects:
- Discussion
- Any other business
- liboqs representative
- meeting schedule/duration
Minutes have been merged. Please raise issue/PR for any corrections.
Meeting canceled for this week - no updates
- want to start pulling pqcp implementations that are ready. Discussing with Matthias & Hanno.
- Pravek Sharma (University of Waterloo) will be taking lead in liasing / integration - already been involved with libjade kyber in liboqs, alongside Basil (IBM)
- original plan of independent ML-KEM generic, aarch64 & perhaps AVX2 implementations could be an obstacle to adoption - similar, but different.
- aarch64 implementation has evolved to provide interface to more easily incorporate specific implementations ie AVX2 from Kyber ref repo. Stay close to reference, but enable this specialization.
- Function signatures same across implementations, but semantics differ - so have made these definitions common. Aim to verify C code with CBMC.
- (Manuel): can also use code from Jasmin : contracts on a per-function basis with bounds. like an AVX2 implementation. Will review interface.
- C code tries to remain close to reference implementation whilst addressing a few implementation defined behaviours. (FIPS 203 input validation is open as issue)
- targetted more at server/pc/mobile platforms (vs embedded which focusses more on memory usage/code size).
- Aiming for an alpha release to get awareness of internal interface & gather feedback.
- Naming change proposal - mlkem-native currently proposed. Agree in next meeting.
- Have asked for feedback from John Shanck / Peter Schwabe
No updates. (team working on above)
- getting close to completion for the avx2 super optimized implementation. A few more optimizations with proofs to do.
- Target is IEEE S&P conference.
- Hope to fit into the API structure covered in the mlkem-c-aarch64 discussion.
No updates.
- Discussion on what's needed for an alpha release: (see mlkem-c-aarch64 discussion also)
- minimum is security/licensing.
- document/transparency.
- explain objectives ie inviting feedback on apis.
- milestone set up in mlkem-c-aarch64. Assigning issues targetted for release there. please review.
- Douglas proposed that Pravek Sharma is best placed to liase between liboqs & pqcp on adopting implementations of algorithms as he'll be doing much of the work.
- Will check LF process/charter offline & start this process.
- Contact John Schanck to see if interested in retiming TSC meetings.
- closing given discussion on mlkem-c-aarch64
- Recordings are available on your Open Profile page under Past Meetings.
- Next TSC meeting in 2 weeks, 2024-11-07 1300 UTC.
- Manuel Barbosa, University of Porto
- Hanno Becker, AWS
- Nigel Jones, IBM
- Matthias J. Kannwischer, Chelpis Quantum Tech
- Franziskus Kiefer, Cryspen
- Tiago Oliveira, Sandbox AQ
- John Schanck, Mozilla
- Douglas Stebila, University of Waterloo
- J P Lomas, QRL
- Yarkin Doroz (NVIDIA)